The 3 Major Parts of a Cell: 1.Cell Membrane, 2. Cytoplasm, 3. Nucleus
CELL MEMBRANE - Outermost part of the cell.
CELL MEMBRANE - Acts as gatekeeper/security of the cell
CELL MEMBRANE - Composed of phospholipid bilayer (double layer of fats and proteins.)
CELL MEMBRANE - is semi-permeable
Rigid wall found in plant and bacterial cells is called cell wall.
Cell wall is the secondary wall for plant and bacterial cells.
Cytoplasm- area where organelles are located
Cytosol- liquid portion of cytoplasm
Cytoplasm contains enzymes that break down wastes.
Cytoskeleton - the structure of the cell
2 types of ribosomes: Free and Bound Ribosome
Ribosomes are site of protein synthesis
Free ribosome- use within the cell
Bound ribosome- export (secretion) from the cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - A network of membranes that is involved in the synthesis and transport of lipids and proteins
Rough ER- synthesizes and modifies proteins to transport them in the Golgi apparatus
Smooth ER- synthesizes lipids and steroids, and is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol (fatty acids and phospholipids)
Vacuole - Fluid-filled vesicle that stores chemical in the cell
Lysosome- suicide bag of the cell that is capable of self-destruction (phagocytosis)
Golgi Apparatus- is the shipping center of the cell
Golgi Apparatus - modifies, sorts, and packages the macromolecules
Mitochondria- site of aerobic respiration; where ATP is produced by oxidative phosphorylation
Chloroplast- organelle found only in plant cells; it contains green pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light energy from sunlight.
Nucleus- controls all activities of the cell; contains DNA molecule
Mitochondria- powerhouse of the cell
Adenosine Trisphosphate (ATP) is the energy of the cell
Parts of Chloroplasts: Thylakoid - flat disc
Parts of Chloroplasts: Grana/granum - stacks of thylakoid and 1st part of photosynthesis
Parts of Chloroplasts: Stroma - fluid space and 2nd part of photosynthesis
Parts of Chloroplasts: Lumen - cavity or space inside the thylakoid
NUCLEUS: spherical structure located near the center of the cell. Contains the genetic material of the cell and controls the activities of the cell
Karyoplasm or Nucleoplasm - protoplasmic content of nucleus
Nuclear Membrane - double layer membrane that envelopes the nucleus
Nuclear Pores - perforated holes in the nuclear membrane that permit the movement of selected molecules between the nucleus and the rest of the cell while blocking the other passage of other molecules.
Nucleoli/Nucleolus - synthesis of RNA and protein
Chromosomes - rod/thread like structure carrying genes.
Gene - basic unit of heredity
DNA - contains genetic code
Believed to be the first cells to evolve- Prokaryotic cells