Cards (61)

  • The 3 Major Parts of a Cell: 1.Cell Membrane, 2. Cytoplasm, 3. Nucleus
  • CELL MEMBRANE - Outermost part of the cell.
  • CELL MEMBRANE - Acts as gatekeeper/security of the cell
  • CELL MEMBRANE - Composed of phospholipid bilayer (double layer of fats and proteins.)
  • CELL MEMBRANE - is semi-permeable
  • Rigid wall found in plant and bacterial cells is called cell wall.
  • Cell wall is the secondary wall for plant and bacterial cells.
  • Cytoplasm- area where organelles are located
  • Cytosol- liquid portion of cytoplasm
  • Cytoplasm contains enzymes that break down wastes.
  • Cytoskeleton - the structure of the cell
  • 2 types of ribosomes: Free and Bound Ribosome
  • Ribosomes are site of protein synthesis
  • Free ribosome- use within the cell
  • Bound ribosome- export (secretion) from the cell
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - A network of membranes that is involved in the synthesis and transport of lipids and proteins
  • Rough ER- synthesizes and modifies proteins to transport them in the Golgi apparatus
  • Smooth ER- synthesizes lipids and steroids, and is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol (fatty acids and phospholipids)
  • Vacuole - Fluid-filled vesicle that stores chemical in the cell
  • Lysosome- suicide bag of the cell that is capable of self-destruction (phagocytosis)
  • Golgi Apparatus- is the shipping center of the cell
  • Golgi Apparatus - modifies, sorts, and packages the macromolecules
  • Mitochondria- site of aerobic respiration; where ATP is produced by oxidative phosphorylation
  • Chloroplast- organelle found only in plant cells; it contains green pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light energy from sunlight.
  • Nucleus- controls all activities of the cell; contains DNA molecule
  • Mitochondria- powerhouse of the cell
  • Adenosine Trisphosphate (ATP) is the energy of the cell
  • Parts of Chloroplasts: Thylakoid - flat disc
  • Parts of Chloroplasts: Grana/granum - stacks of thylakoid and 1st part of photosynthesis
  • Parts of Chloroplasts: Stroma - fluid space and 2nd part of photosynthesis
  • Parts of Chloroplasts: Lumen - cavity or space inside the thylakoid
  • NUCLEUS: spherical structure located near the center of the cell. Contains the genetic material of the cell and controls the activities of the cell
  • Karyoplasm or Nucleoplasm - protoplasmic content of nucleus
  • Nuclear Membrane - double layer membrane that envelopes the nucleus
  • Nuclear Pores - perforated holes in the nuclear membrane that permit the movement of selected molecules between the nucleus and the rest of the cell while blocking the other passage of other molecules.
  • Nucleoli/Nucleolus - synthesis of RNA and protein
  • Chromosomes - rod/thread like structure carrying genes.
  • Gene - basic unit of heredity
  • DNA - contains genetic code
  • Believed to be the first cells to evolve- Prokaryotic cells