Social Science

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    • Globalization - is known as the interdependence of the global economy wherein people have more liberty to trade and enjoy basic needs and wants under the comfort of free trade
  • Acculturation - is a process of cultural contact and exchange through which a person or group comes to adopt certain values and practices or culture that is more originally their own
    • Assimilation - is the absorption and integration of people, ideas, or culture into a wider society or culture. Assimilation is the fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups
    • Anti-Globalization - is also referred to as political left
    • Economic - One of the essential parts of globalization is the economic interaction of the world market which allows international trade and free market economy
  • World Trade Organization disregard labor issues and environmental problems since they do not concern themselves in the process of how goods and services are produced
  • International Labor Organization - takes care if the creation of international rulings on labor while different countries monitor its implementations
    • Cultural - It is related to "interconnectedness" of people and multiculturalism
    • Political - it speaks of minimal intervention of the state in economic activities. It encompasses deregulation and free markets wherein the government has minimal control on the market if none at qll
    • Multiculturalism - the doctrine that several different cultures can co-exist peacefully and equitably in a single country
    • Disparity - a great difference
    • Homogeneity - the quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind
    • Deregulation - the removal of regulations or restrictions, especially in a particular industry
  • Approximately 60% of the world population uses mobile phones
    • World Trade Organization - founded on Geneva, Switzerland on January 1, 1995, it is an intergovernmental organization that regulates trade
    • International Labor Organization - Founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1919
    • International Monetary Fund - A specialized agency under United Nations and was conceived in July 1944 and formally created in 1945. It fosters global growth and economic stability
    • World Bank Organization - Established on July 1944 and aims to rebuild post World War II Europe
    • The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development aka World Bank Organization, is an international financial situation with the purpose of assisting the development of member nations,territories, etc
    • Sustainable Development - is development that meets the needs if the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
  • Sustainable development is believed to originated from Germany
  • The word "sustainability” is derived from Latin word which means "to hold up" in English
    • Economic Growth - is the increasing value in the aggregate consumption or output which is measured through the GNP and GDP
    • Economic development - is associated with the improvements in the well-beings of humans. Which is based in human development index (HDI) which includes health, income, and health
    • Economic perspective - it speaks of the maximum flow of income that could be generated through the increase if consumption of goods and services to improve human welfare while maintaining the capital stock of the economy
    • Ecological perspective - it focuses on the stability if biophysical systems to preserve the resilience and the dynamic ability if natural systems to resist shocks and adapt to changes
    • Sociocultural perspective - aims to maintain the stability of social and cultural systems through the better use of knowledge on sustainable practices of indigenous groups, community based organizations, local communities for a more effective decision making framework that could improve the efforts toward sustainable development
    • Frugality - it pertains to an economical way of living, which means that one lives in a sufficient and not wasteful way
    • Moderation - it means acting conscientiously for the welfare of the future
    • Prudence - it means having the ability to foresee various possible futures as a result of current actions and conditions
  • The major function of agricultural system is food production
    • Socioeconomic Welfare - this pertains to the level of standard of living which includes productivity, employment, income distribution, and measures of the level of satisfaction of basic human needs such as education, health, safe drinking water, sanitation, and clean environment
    • Urban Ecosystem - it pertains to the provisions of basic serviced such as maintenance of clean air and air quality, the population capacity of a community, solid waste management and land use which covers squatted density or the squatted population to total area of squatted land as part of the indicator for illegal use of land
    • Critical Resources - thus include minerals, mine, and biodiversity. These are seen as resources that can no longer be replaced nor replenished once neglected
    • Other Domestic Issues - this include manufacturing energy, science, and technology. Manufacturing involves resource use, efficiency and productivity measures, and product process innovations that have environmental impact on the different ecosystems
  • There are 17 SDGs