Alexander II and Ethnic Minorities

Cards (3)

  • Alexander II was more concerned with control than matters of racial superiority. He reacted swiftly and strongly when Polish rebellion broke out in 1863More than 200,000 Poles had joined in creating an underground National Government for Poland, and they waged a form of guerilla warfare against their Imperial masters, although they were crushed after fierce fighting in 1864
  • Alexander II did not engage in systematic persecution of racial minorities and he also used concessions as a means of keeping control. He allowed Finns to have their own diet (Parliament) and tried to maintain good relations with Finnish people.
  • Period of increased reaction towards the end of his reign saw growing intolerance of national differences on the part of the Tsar's ministers and administrators, who were keen to reinforce the Tsarist regime Led to the prohibition on the use of the Ukrainian Language in publications on performances in 1876. This more hostile attitude was to turn into a far more aggressive campaign in the reign of Alexander's son