Cards (12)

  • Interview came from a Latin phrases mean "See between" or "See each other".
  • It is designed to obtain information through discussion and observation about how well the interviewee will perform on the job.
    Personal Interview
  • It takes place annually to review the progress of the interviewee.

    Evaluation Interview
  • It is designed to sell someone a product or an idea
    Persuasive Interview
  • It normally follows formal procedures.
    Structured Interview
  • Opposite of following formal procedures and has no predetermined questions.
    Unstructured Interview
  • Give the 13 interview.
    Personal, Evaluation, Persuasive, Structured, Unstructured, Counseling, Disciplinary, Stress, Public, Informal, General, Standardized, and Closed
  • An interview also known as closed.
  • Other term for standardized interview
    Open-ended interview
  • To place an interviewee in a stressful situation.
  • Asking same questions to the participants.
    Closed or Fixed-response
  • To ask someone what's bothering her/him.