Computer and Robotics

Cards (20)

  • What is data representation?
    Refers to the way data is organised structure and formatted to facilitate efficient storage processing and communication.
  • Data types
    Numbers, text, dates
  • Data structure
    List, arrays, tabulated form
  • File formats
    Entails how the file is saved and what the file is based on the file extension
  • pdf
  • MP4
    Videos /movies
  • MP3
  • Docx
    Word document
  • Classwork.docx
    This is called file extension
  • Data visualisation (charts, graphs, images)

    This helps to take the data and make it easier to interpret
  • Data compression
    This is when compress a large file into a small file to enable sending large files
  • What are binary codes
    They include sets of 0s and 1s
  • Any electric device is made up of binary codes
  • Binary codes create the visuals you see on your device
  • what is file management
    File management is the amount of organising, structuring or file/document for efficient use
  • Back and forward( arrows to take you back)
  • Address bar (gives you a file path’
    file path is the documents you go through to get to the document you are working on
  • Search box
    Allows you to reach the contents of the folder you are currently on
  • Toolbar and menu bar (ribbon)

    Gives you more options and action button to configure, sort or filter the contents of a foldef
  • Left (navigation) pane 

    It gives you options and more destinations