Results of Russification

Cards (4)

  • Russification was not accepted without resistance but troubles were swiftly curbed. In some cases the military was employed to establish controlRussification also caused resentment among the more educated and wealthy Finns,Poles and Baltic Germans in the west of the empire
  • National groups constantly petitioned the Tsars for more liberties, and the secret publication of local language books continued.Some ethnic schools survived (particularly in Poland) and fanned the flames of resentment against the Tsar's impositions
  • Supporters of Russification genuinely believed they were acting for the greater good of Russia. They believed it was necessary to 'unite' the country in order to improve its administration, to allow for modernisation, and to reassert Russian strength. Moreover, this was a time of strong nationalistic feeling throughout Empire.
  • Russification was a misguided policy that had the opposite effect from that intented. Russification failed and intensified national feeling among the non-Russians of the Empire.Drove some of the wealthier citizens to emigrate and persuaded others, who might otherwise proved loyal, to join political opposition groups