In 1803, Dalton believed everything was made up of indivisible particles
In 1897, atoms were thought to be positive bodies of matter with negative electrons (plum pudding model by Thompson)
In 1911, Rutherford discovered atoms were mostly empty space with electrons orbiting them
In 1913, it was discovered that electrons orbit in shells and emit EM radiation when moving between them
In 1919, the proton and neutron were discovered
Current belief: electrons exist in subshells and nucleons are made up of quarks (quantum mechanics)
Plum Pudding Model:
Described the atom as a ball of positive charge with negatively charged electrons evenly distributed throughout it
Rutherford Scattering:
Most alpha particles passed through with no deflection, suggesting the atom is mostly empty space
Some deflected by large angles, indicating a positively charged nucleus
A few deflected by more than90 degrees, suggesting a very small but dense central nucleus
Disproved the Plum Pudding model
Alpha Radiation:
Consists of two protons and two neutrons (helium nucleus)
Strongly ionising, slow moving, stopped by a few centimeters of air or paper
Positively charged, deflected in a magnetic field
Emitted a light spectrum identical to that of Helium
Used in smoke detectors
Beta Radiation:
Beta-minus radiation consists of an electron, beta-plus radiation consists of a positron
Mildly ionising, fast moving, stopped by a few millimeters of aluminum
Negatively charged, deflected in a magnetic field
Existence proved by deflecting them in magnetic and electric fields
Used in thickness monitors
Gamma Radiation:
Form of electromagnetic radiation, weakly ionising, travels at the speed of light
Stopped by a few several centimeters of lead or a few meters of concrete
Chargeless, unaffected by magnetic and electric fields
Used to sterilise medical equipment, kill cancerous cells, and as a medical tracer
Safe Use of Radiation:
Procedures: never directly handle the source, use long armed tongs, display warning signage, minimize time of use, store in a lead box
Background Radiation:
Originates from radon gas, rocks, cosmic radiation, nuclear weapon testing, and nuclear disasters
Present in very small quantities, corrected for in experiments
Radioactive Decay:
Random process, activity measured in Becquerels, half-life, decay constant
Distance of Closest Approach:
Method to calculate nuclear radius by converting kinetic energy to electric potential energy
Electron Diffraction:
Method to determine nuclear radius using high-speed electrons that diffract through atoms
Nuclear Fission:
Splitting of a large nucleus to produce two smaller nuclei, neutrons, and energy
Spontaneous fission is rare, commonly used fissile isotope is Uranium-235
Nuclear Reactors:
Roles of constituents: control rods, moderator, fuel rods, coolant
Nuclear Waste:
Procedures for safe disposal: cooling ponds, thick concrete containers, reinforced containers during transport, remote handling
Nuclear Fusion:
Fusing of two smaller nuclei to form a single large nucleus and produce energy
Mass Defect and Binding Energy:
Binding energy, mass defect, atomic mass unit, E=mc²
Coulomb's Law applies here as energy:
have to assume that the particles will start stationary
have to assume the particles start as close to the nucleus as possible
Protons experience both electrostatic and gravitational forces
The strong nuclear force keeps the nucleus together
A) typical nucleon separation
Mass of a nucleus is found using a Mass Spectrometer
The nucleus passes through the slit into the mass spectrometer
Magnetic force acts upon the nucleus and causes circular motion
Where A = mass number and R0 = 1.05 fm or 1.4 fm (will be given in the question)
Ionisation of gases is used by the Geiger tube to create a small charge and hence enable the detection of radiation
A charged particle moved within a magnetic field feels a force
Radioactive sources:
Alpha AND gamma
Beta AND gamma
Half life: the time that it would take for the mass/radioactive nuclei to decrease to half of the original value
There is a 50% decay for each half life
Decay constant = the probability of an individual nucleus decaying per second
The bigger the half life, the smaller the decay constant is
Proton/Neutron Ratio:
N = Z --> Stability line
Light isotopes up to Z = 20
Mass is an average of the abundance of the isotopes
Neutrons balance the repulsion of protons
Beta+ Decay/Electron Capture:
Transforms a proton into a neutron
Diagonally up and left on the N-Z graph (north west)
Beta- Decay:
Right and down on the N-Z graph (south east)
Alpha Decay:
Diagonally to the bottom left (south west)
Isotopes decay, however the result may not be stable
Will undergo further decays to become stable
This is the Radioactive Series
Lead-208 is the last stable isotope in the periodic table
In Industry, a number of properties are considered:
The half life of an isotope
The stability of the daughter isotope
Toxicity and the biochemical suitability of the parent/daughter nuclei
The type of the radiation that is emitted
Radioactive Carbon Dating:
Upper atmosphere: cosmic rays can knock neutrons out of nuclei, which can interact with the nitrogen-14 atoms to create Carbon-14
Radioactive with a half-life of 5570 years
Is absorbed by some plants and enters the food chain
When something dies, the proportion of Carbon-14 reduces overtime
There are different kinds of dating as the further back you go, the age of something becomes more uncertain
Argon Dating:
Argon-40 can also be used
The half life is 1250 million years
This is formed via electron capture
Radioactive Tracers:
Have a list of required properties that an isotope needs
Technetuim-99 has a half life of 6 hours and is a gamma emitter
It has an inert daugher isotope that has a very long half life and hence a low activity
Tracers are used to follow the path of a substance through a system
Has a half life stable enough for measurements to be made
Remote Power Sources:
Gives out energy used to power sources via a Radioactive Thermal Generator
Needs to have a half life long enough to sustain the machine
Not too long of a half life that too much material is needed due to low activity
P = AE
Ionising Radiation:
Is anything that can cause electrons to be removed from atoms, creating ions
This process is harmful to living cells by either killing them or damaging DNA which causes mutations that can be passed to future cell generations and cause cancer
These include:
Monitoring Radiation:
Workers in the nuclear industry have to wear a film badge to monitor how much radiation they recieve
The badge contains a photographic film in a light proof case that will blacken if radiation strikes it
Also contains three different thicknesses of material, as well as different metals, that allow the user to know what radiation type has been absorbed