Natural selection

Cards (9)

  • Disruptive selection is a type of natural selection that favors individuals with extreme traits at both ends of the spectrum, leading to the formation of two distinct phenotypes.
  • Natural selection can lead to adaptations through genetic drift, mutation, gene flow, and sexual selection.
  • Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands are an example of how different species can evolve over time due to natural selection.
  • The theory of natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin, who observed that populations of animals and plants vary from one another and some individuals have traits that make them better suited to their environments.
  • Natural Selection is the process by which organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more than those less well-adapted.
  • Sexual selection is a type of natural selection that favors individuals with traits that increase their chances of mating and reproducing, even if those traits may be disadvantageous in other aspects of survival.
  • Genetic drift refers to changes in allele frequencies due to chance events during reproduction or migration.
  • Gene flow occurs when genes are exchanged between different populations, either by immigration/emigration or hybridization.
  • The peppered moth experiment demonstrated how natural selection can cause changes in populations over time.