Poorworking conditions (in factories, life expectancy at 45yo)
Misery, diseases, criminality
These 3 movements were considered as the firsts movements in the Progressive Era :
The Mugwumps : Republicans fighting corruption within their own party
The PopulistParty : supporting farmers
Knights of Labor : focused on working conditions
Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
1901 - 1909
Roosevelt became president after that...
McKinley was assassinated
Theodore Roosevelt was named vice president of William McKinley for his...
Reformist ideas
Theodore Roosevelt was republican or democrat ?
Roosevelt, in his idea of expanding the power of the presidency, used the White House as a bully pulpit (a position of authority) to preach about the need for an assertive government and an active foreign policy.
Roosevelt, in his idea of expanding the power of the presidency, sought to improve every aspect of society against the problems of industrialization and urbanization
Roosevelt, in his idea of expanding the power of the presidency, introduced the idea of “conservation” & environmentalism
The Progressive Era was marked by Youth reforms and Urban reforms
What did change concerning education in the Youth reforms during the Progressive Era ?
It became an instrument of social change, teach about health and community life
Called for compulsory attendance in kindergartens and high-schools
What did change concerning Child labor in the Youth reforms during the Progressive Era ?
Used photographs to increase public awareness
Limit the workhours to eight per day
Resistance by many Southern states
Congress passed laws in 1916 and 1918, but were blocked by the SupremeCourt
What did change concerning Public Health in the Urban reforms during the Progressive Era ?
The “socialhygienemovement” : multiple campaigns against malaria, tuberculosis or infant mortality
What did change concerning Urban Planning in the Urban reforms during the Progressive Era ?
Developed city infrastructures : water and sewer systems, electricity
Professionalized city services : public transportation, librairies, hospitals, museums, parks
Organized the city : police departments, sports fields, and bathouses in poor neighborhoods
What was the situation concerning Women's rights in 1900 ?
Only 4 Western states authorized women to vote
700,000 married women were in the workforce
Women's clubs during the Progressive Era
General Federation of Women’s Clubs (formed in NYC)
National Association of Colored Women (organized in WashingtonD.C.)
Staffed by upper-middle-class, educated, northern women
WCTU means ?
WCTU was founded in 1874 to fight drunkenness
WCTU was extended to support every reform that would improve women’s socialwelfare and rights.
After it's creation, WCTU was further developed to fight urban poverty, child labor, help prison reform, and home protection.
WTUL means
For the WTUL, the right to vote was as a way to improve their economic interests and to foster a new sense of respect for working-class women
National American Women Suffrage Association : the “Winning Plan” focused on state voting rights laws and the ratification of an amendment to the US Constitution
NationalWoman’sParty : street protests, marches, hunger strikes, and picketing the WhiteHouse in 1917
In 1918, Woodrow Wilson declared his support for the women’s suffrage amendment
In 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified by Congress (Women's right to vote)
Social and political situation for African American civil rights
Generalization of segregation
Desenfranchisement in the South (i.e. restriction of suffrage)
Social Darwinism : pseudo-science supporting racial hierarchy
Date of Presidency of Woodrow Wilson
1913 - 1921
WoodrowWilson showed progressivism could be part of the Democrat’s agenda and platform.
Major Progressive reforms
1913, 16th amendment
1919, 18th amendment
1920, 19th amendment
16th Amendment
Giving Congress the power to impose an income tax and 17th amendment : direct elections of senators
18th amendment
Banning manufacture and sale of alcohol (Prohibition period)