Cards (11)

  • Analytical Reagent Grade (AR) 

    Establish by the American Chemical Society (ACS)
    Suitable for use in most analytical laboratory proced
  • Ultrapure Chemicals (UP) have been put through additional purification steps
  • Chemically Pure (CP) The impurity limitations are not stated. delivered by measurement of the melting or boiling point.
  • United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and National Formulary
    used to manufacturing drug, used for human consumption
  • TECHNICAL OR COMMERCIAL GRADE REAGENTS used primarily in manufacturing. should never be used in the clinical laboratory.
  • Chemically Pure
    which approaches the purity level of reagent grade chemicals
  • Reagent Grade
    which is certified to contain impurities below certain levels established by the ACS
  • Type I
    used for test method requiring minimum interference such as trace metal, iron, enzyme analyses. Consume immediately after it is produced
  • Type II
    Acceptable for most analytic requirements, including reagent, quality control, and standard preparation
  • Type III
    Autoclave wash Glassware washing but not for reagent preparation Urinalysis
  • Borosilicate
    Resistant to Heat, corrosion or thermal shock