Profit or NetIncome refers to the excess in revenue against realized expenses (Positive).
Netloss refers to the excess in expenses against realized revenue (Negative).
Increases in economic benefits during the accounting period.
It encompasses both revenue and gains.
Income is a form of inflow or enhancement of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity.
Revenue is the inflow of resources from the ordinary activities of a business. Example: sales, dividends, rent
Gains are the inflow of resources that do not come from ordinary activities of a business. Example: disposal of non-current assets like equipments, building, land, machinery
Decrease in economic benefits during the accounting period.
Expenses are a form of outflow or depletion of assets or incurrences of liabilities that result in decrease in equity.
Losses are other items that meet the definition of expenses. May refer to the assets of the business that has been damaged or loss. Example: due to natural disaster, disposal of non-current assets