problems in social welfare

Cards (3)

  • finance
    • The cost of subsidising items like food, rents and transport rose from 16.9 billion Ostmarks in 1980 to 49.8 billion by 1989.
    • By this time, for every 100 Ostmarks spent on food, the state was subsidising it to the tune of 89 Ostmarks.
    • Economists understood the problem early on: in 1972, the president of the State Bank had worried that this level of subsidy would make the external debt problem worse.
    • Honecker accused people of sabotage when officials raised the issue with him.
  • investment
    • The government spent on social welfare at the expense of investment.
    • In the 1970s, public investment accounted for 24.4% of national income.
    • By 1979 this had fallen to 20.1% – the lowest in the Soviet bloc.
    • This meant that the government simply lacked the money for investment into the economy.
    • This was significant in the 1970s but would become even more critical in the following decade.
  • shortages
    • Essential minimum standards were prioritised and items considered luxuries had to wait.
    • took 12-17 years for the delivery of a new car.
    • took 13 to be connected to a telephone.
    • Shoppers often queued up for 4 hours a day
    • choices were very limited
    • There were hard currency shops known as Internships where high quality goods were available