Cards (6)

  • What are the New Right principles regarding school?
    • some students are more talented than others
    • meritocracy is a driving force for progress
    • Schools should prepare students for the workforce
    • socialisation into the countries norms, values and culture is a key role for schools
  • What do they believe about the "one size fits all" state schools?
    it fails most students, they are unresponsive to the needs of society and inefficient
    Schools should be passed to the Private Sector to create an education market and increase competition and standards
  • What do Chubb and Moe believe?
    support reduction in state funded schools in USA
    move towards more bespoke charter schools
  • Why do Chubb and Moe believe state run education has failed?
    It hasn't created equal opportunity
    failed the needs of disadvantaged groups
    inefficient as it fails to produce pupils with the skills needed by the economy
    Private schools deliver higher quality education because they answer to paying consumers
  • What is the voucher system?
    where each family is given a voucher to spend on buying education from a school of their choice
    This makes schools become more responsive to parents wishes since the vouchers are the schools main source of income
  • What is a free market economy?
    based upon the choices individuals make when spending their money. if you "Leave everything to the market" then businesses will provide what is demanded