The UK economy has seen a decline in the manufacturing sector as businesses choose to manufacture in emerging economies due to lower labour costs and access to raw materials.
There are four key indicators used to assess the economic growth of emerging economies: GDP per capita, health, literacy, and the Human Development Index.
Literacy refers to the percentage of adults within an economy who can read and write, and according to the OECD’s 2016 International Adult literacy survey, the differences in average skill levels among OECD countries explain 55% of the differences in economic growth.
The health of a country's citizens is important to businesses who want to invest in emerging economies as this will have an impact on the quality of the workforce.
The problem with using HDI as a measure of development is that it does not account for inequalities within a country and there is a lack of reliable data in some countries.
The government can improve the quantity and quality of public services by increasing investment as the economy grows, which encourages businesses to expand and potentially attracts foreign direct investment.
The Human Development Index (HDI) combines the factors of life expectancy, education and income to determine the quality of development of citizens within a country, and is measured between 0-1 (1 being the highest).
GDP per capita is calculated by taking the total output (GDP) of a country and dividing it by the number of people in that country, and is associated with a high standard of living.
Emerging economic powers of countries within Asia, Africa and other parts of the world include BRICS: B razil, R ussia, I ndia, C hina and S outh Africa.
Globalisation is the economic integration of different countries through increasing freedoms in the cross-border movement of people, goods/services, technology & finance.
Emerging economies have a growing middle class with increasing incomes which allows their citizens to spend more on domestic goods and imported goods from abroad.
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