Elements of medical record

Cards (12)

  • Discharge Summary
    Comprehensive outline of patient's entire hospital stay, includes condtion at time of admission, admitting diagnosis, rest results, treatments and patient's response, final diagnosis, and follow-up plans
  • pathologists report

    Report given by pathologist who studies tissue removed from patient (e g, bone marrows blood, or tissue biopsy)
  • Anesthesiologist report
    Relates details regarding substances (such as medications and fluids)given to patient. patient's response to anesthesia, and vital signs during surgery
  • Operative report
    Report from surgeon detailing an operation, includes pre and posteopentive dagnosis, specific details of surgical procedure itself, and how patient tolerated procedure
  • Informed consent
    Documents voluntarily signed by patients or a responsible party that clearly describes purpose, method,procedure,benefits and risk of a diagnostic or treatment procedure.
  • Diagnostic reports
    Results of diagnostic test performed on patient,principally from clinical lab for blood test and medical imaging ex. X-rays and ultrasound
  • Ancillary reports

    Reports from various treatment and therapies patient has received, such as rehabilitation,social services or respiratory therapy
  • Consultation reports
    Reports given by specialists whom physician had asked to evaluate patient
  • Physician progress notes
    physicians daily record of patients condition,results of physicians examination,summary of test results,updated assessment and diagnoses, and further plans for patients care
  • Nurse's notes
    Record of patients care throughout the day,includes vital signs, treatment specifics,patients response to treatment and patient's condition
  • Physicians order
    Complete list of care,medications,test and treatment physician orders for patient
  • History and physical
    written or dictated by admitting physician,details patient history,results of physician examination,initial diagnoses and physician plan of treatment