Chapter 14: Pharmacy

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  • Compounding
    The actual mixing of ingredients to form powders, tablets, capsules, ointments, and solutions
  • Consultant pharmacists
    Pharmacists who travel to nursing homes or other facilities to monitor patients’ drug therapy
  • Internship
    Supervised, practical experience to aid professional development.
  • Medication profile
    A computerized record of the customer’s drug therapy.
  • Nuclear pharmacist
    Pharmacist who prepares and dispenses radioactive pharmaceuticals
  • Nutrition support pharmacist
    Pharmacist that helps determine and prepare formulas given intravenously.
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry
    Physical and chemical properties of drugs and dosage forms. Also known as pharmaceutics.
  • Pharmaceutical industry pharmacist
    Pharmacist that works the sales, research and development, or marketing divisions of pharmaceutical companies.
  • Pharmaceuticals
    Medicinal drugs
  • Pharmaceutics
    The branch of pharmacology concerned with the preparation, use, or sale of medicinal drugs.
  • Pharmacoeconomics
    The analysis of the costs and benefits of different drug therapies.
  • Pharmacology
    The study of the effect drugs have on the human and animal bodies.
  • Pharmacotherapists
    Health professional that specializes in drug therapy and works closely with physicians.
  • Pharmacy administration
    The study of business aspects of pharmacy use and management.
  • Pharmacy aides
    Often a clerk or cashier who primarily answers telephones, handles money, stocks shelves, and performs other clerical duties
  • Pharmacy technicians
    Technician who helps licensed pharmacists provide medication and other healthcare products to patients.
  • Radiopharmacists
    Applies the principles and practices of pharmacy and radiochemistry to produce radioactive drugs that are used for diagnosis and therapy
  • Side effects
    A secondary and usually adverse effect of a medication or treatment.
  • Pharmacist Licensure Exam: NAPLEX
  • NAPLEX: North American Pharmacist Licensure Exam