*QUIZ* 1)The standardization of the liturgy and the establishment of a single, universal body of churchmusic began around the time of Charlamagne, who was crowned HolyRomanEmperor around the beginning of the 9th century
*QUIZ* 2) The fundamental scalar unit of Greek music theory was not the octave, but the tetrachord, a series of four consecutive pitches spanning a fourth
*QUIZ* 3) The doctrine of mimesis, developed by Aristotle, postulated that the power of music, like that of drama, came from the fact that it imitated humanaction
*QUIZ* 4) According to Plato, music consisted of words, harmony, and rhythm
*QUIZ* 5) The musical instrument associated with the Greek god Dionysus was the Aulos
*QUIZ* 6) Canticles are poetic passages from the Bible, but that are not found in the Book of Psalms
*QUIZ* 7) The great Roman scholar Boethius discussed music in his treatise Deinstitutionemusica
*QUIZ* 8) Religious toleration of Christianity began as a consequence of the Edict of Milan
*QUIZ* 9) When a musical performance is divided between sections sung by a solo and sections sung by a group, the performance is called responsorial
*QUIZ* 10) The prescribed order for the conduct of worship is called the liturgy
*QUIZ* 11) The parts of a worshipservice for which the words change depending on the day are classified as Proper
*QUIZ* 12) Frankish church music tradition is also called Gallican
*QUIZ* 13) The DivineOffice was a set of eight relatively short worshipservices that articulated the day of study and work in monastic communities
*QUIZ* 14) The liturgy from the area around Milan and the chant associated with it came to be known as Ambrosian, in honor of the city’s 4th century bishop
*QUIZ* 15) List the five music parts of the Mass Ordinary (other than the Benediction), in order and spelled correctly: 1st KyrieEleison, 2nd Gloriainexcelsis, 3rd Credoinunumdeum, 4th Sanctus , 5th AgnusDei
*QUIZ* 16) According to the fifth century CE Roman scholar Martianus Capella, music was one of the mathematical liberal arts, known collectively as the quadrivium
*QUIZ* 17) The tonal pitch spectrum in Greek musical theory was known as the GreaterPerfectSystem
*LEC 1/31* 18) Aesthetics & Style:
Chant is considered "stylizedspeech"
Text or chant determines the rhythm with short or long syllables
Chant is most of the time not accompanied by instruments or women
*LEC 1/31* 19) Categorizing Chant:
Is it biblical or non-biblical
Manner of performance referring to Direct (Hymns & Credos), Responsorial (Solo & rest of people), and Antiphon (two groups)
Textsyllables referring to Syllabic (shortest), Melismatic (longest), and Neumatic (in between)
*LEC 1/31* (20) The Introit Form:
Starts with antiphon, then psalmverse & doxology, followed by a repeated antiphon
*LEC 1/31* (21) Credo:
Considered the most important text in the mass, which is a centralstatement of Christian belief
*LEC 2/2* (22) Gloria:
Text is based on the songs of the angels singing "Glory to God in the highest"
Trinity = Father, Son, & HolySpirit in one
Considered Neumatic or Syllabic text setting
*LEC 2/2* (22) Gradual
Considered melismatic & most climatic
Gradual name comes from the Latin with (methods)
Form is a two-part with antiphons & repeatedverse
Very Melismatic
Form is Alleluia, psalmverse, and alleluia, these good King
*LEC 2/2* (23) Gradual (Form)
Alleluia A (a,a,b)
Psalm Verse B (c,d,d)
Alleluia A'
*LEC 2/2 (24) Eucharist: Second Part of Mass
Offertory: originally for when the bread & wine would be offered (melismatic)
Sanctus: Two different biblical texts with one from Old Testament & one from New Testament
Agnes Dei: Lamb of God, have mercy on us & responsorial chant
Communion: Originally taken only my clergy, consisted of antiphon with psalmverse the antiphon
Dismissal of Mass: two types of text either "Ite, misssaest" = Go, mass is dismissed & during Lent or Advent its "benedicamusDomino" = Let us bless the Lord later responging to "Thanks be to God"
*LEC 2/5 (25) Chant Theory
Musicians established framework to music because Charlemagne wanted to unify & standardize from mixing Galican chant to OldRoman chant
9th century Greek sources were preserved in Arabic translation
The system to describe the formula on psalms, relating in melodicpatterns, are psalmtones
*LEC 2/5 (26) Psalm Tones Classification
Tenor = to hold, meaning pitch which psalm verse is mostly chanted
Psalm verse has two texts, the verse & expandedform
Psalm tone s related to modes because musicians discovered the pitch pattern of certain antiphons related to psalm tones
Modes: theoretical framework to explain pitchorganization of other chants
*LEC 2/5 (28) Modes
Determined by the final (last note in chant), Dominant & Ambitus (Range)
In odd# modes, the final is at the bottom of the range
Dominant: pitch that is circledaround by melody (5thabove final for authentic modes)
7 modes, 4 pairs of finals
Pitch "b" avoided with mode 3 shifting "b-c" and mode 8 shifting "d-c"
*LEC 2/7 (29) The Notation of Chant
Notation & Gallian Chant developed in 8th & 9th century passed orally
Stages of Notation
1] Accents with the stage being letters
2] non-diastematic neumes determining if pitch moves up or down
3] Diastematic neumes organize pitch vertically
4] Addition of a referenceline to neumes acting as a referencepitch
5] Making the reference line red, then second yellow line indicating '"c"
6] Writing pitches designated for lines (clefs)
*2/7 (30) Greek Theory
Guido was from Italian town of Zrezzo
Guido standardized th 4-line staff with 6 functional plants.
*LEC 2/7 (31) Greek Theory
The hexachord system involves six pitches (WS-WS-HS-WS-WS)
Soft b = b mollis / Hard b = b durum
The types of hexachords are Natural, Soft, and Hard (know what their different are)
*LEC 2/7 (32) Types of hexachords
Natural (C) hexachord: putting "ut"(do) on the "fa" of a G3 hexachord
Soft (F) Hexachord: putting "ut"(do) on the "fa" of a natural hexachord starting on C3
Hard (G) hexachord: putting "ut"(do) on the "sol" of a natural hexachord starting on C3
*LEC 2/9 (33) Developments in Liturgical Chant
Gloss: elaborates on pre-existingchants
Gloss refers to chant's developments
Two types of gloss include Marginal & Interlinear
Marginal gloss refers to addition art while Interlinear gloss refers to additional commentary to the chant
*LEC 2/9 (34) Development in Liturgical Chant
Trope: refers to musicalgloss or addition of new words or music to chant
Troping happened to specific chants in the DivineOffice including Antiphons, Responsorial, Versicals, & BenedicamusDomino
*LEC 2/9 (35) Development of Liturgical Chant
Prosula: refers to the new text with tropes
Troping led to the creation of a separate movement of Mass originally from Prosulas
Troping created the genre Liturgical Drama
*LEC 2/9 (36) The Development of Liturgical Chant
Notker the Stammerer (840-912): a monk, nicknamed Babulus for his stuttering, credited for his invention of poetictext that fully rhymed to be said to jubilusis (Form: a-bb-cc-d) with its own movement in Mass after the Alleluia known as the Sequence
*LEC 2/9 (37) Liturgical Drama
First Liturgical Drama was by Bishop Winchester as an EasterMass
Morality Play byHildegard (1098-1179) gives no dialogue to the Devil’s role
*LEC 2/12 (38) Liturgical & Venacular Secular Song to 1300
Long tradition of Folk song was lost from it being passed orally
The Church set up school to train boys to become churchofficials
Music outside church (secular) had two categories being Latin or French text
*LEC 2/12 (39) Songs w/ Latin Text
Conductus: origins lies in the Church, but not considered non-liturgical songs with genres including Cantio, Cantilena, and Planctus
Goliards: named after St. Goliath the giantsoldier, these were people who made poems with a large collection called CarminaBurana consisting of love, drinking, and gambling songs
Wheel of Fortune in CarminaBurana: describes the ups and downs of life
Bacce, benevenies song: from the CarminaBurana collection about drinking and fertility (Bacchus = God of fertility & alcohol)