Western Music I (Before Exam 1)

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Cards (310)

  • *QUIZ* 1)The standardization of the liturgy and the establishment of a single, universal body of church music began around the time of Charlamagne, who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor around the beginning of the 9th century
  • *QUIZ* 2) The fundamental scalar unit of Greek music theory was not the octave, but the tetrachord, a series of four consecutive pitches spanning a fourth
  • *QUIZ* 3) The doctrine of mimesis, developed by Aristotle, postulated that the power of music, like that of drama, came from the fact that it imitated human action
  • *QUIZ* 4) According to Plato, music consisted of words, harmony, and rhythm
  • *QUIZ* 5) The musical instrument associated with the Greek god Dionysus was the Aulos
  • *QUIZ* 6) Canticles are poetic passages from the Bible, but that are not found in the Book of Psalms
  • *QUIZ* 7) The great Roman scholar Boethius discussed music in his treatise De institutione musica
  • *QUIZ* 8) Religious toleration of Christianity began as a consequence of the Edict of Milan
  • *QUIZ* 9) When a musical performance is divided between sections sung by a solo and sections sung by a group, the performance is called responsorial
  • *QUIZ* 10) The prescribed order for the conduct of worship is called the liturgy
  • *QUIZ* 11) The parts of a worship service for which the words change depending on the day are classified as Proper
  • *QUIZ* 12) Frankish church music tradition is also called Gallican
  • *QUIZ* 13) The Divine Office was a set of eight relatively short worship services that articulated the day of study and work in monastic communities
  • *QUIZ* 14) The liturgy from the area around Milan and the chant associated with it came to be known as Ambrosian, in honor of the city’s 4th century bishop
  • *QUIZ* 15) List the five music parts of the Mass Ordinary (other than the Benediction), in order and spelled correctly: 1st Kyrie Eleison, 2nd Gloria in excelsis, 3rd Credo in unum deum, 4th Sanctus , 5th Agnus Dei
  • *QUIZ* 16) According to the fifth century CE Roman scholar Martianus Capella, music was one of the mathematical liberal arts, known collectively as the quadrivium
  • *QUIZ* 17) The tonal pitch spectrum in Greek musical theory was known as the Greater Perfect System
  • *LEC 1/31* 18) Aesthetics & Style:
    • Chant is considered "stylized speech"
    • Text or chant determines the rhythm with short or long syllables
    • Chant is most of the time not accompanied by instruments or women
  • *LEC 1/31* 19) Categorizing Chant:
    • Is it biblical or non-biblical
    • Manner of performance referring to Direct (Hymns & Credos), Responsorial (Solo & rest of people), and Antiphon (two groups)
    • Text syllables referring to Syllabic (shortest), Melismatic (longest), and Neumatic (in between)
    • Form
  • *LEC 1/31* (20) The Introit Form:
    • Starts with antiphon, then psalm verse & doxology, followed by a repeated antiphon
  • *LEC 1/31* (21) Credo:
    • Considered the most important text in the mass, which is a central statement of Christian belief
  • *LEC 2/2* (22) Gloria:
    • Text is based on the songs of the angels singing "Glory to God in the highest"
    • Trinity = Father, Son, & Holy Spirit in one
    • Considered Neumatic or Syllabic text setting
  • *LEC 2/2* (22) Gradual
    • Considered melismatic & most climatic
    • Gradual name comes from the Latin with (methods)
    • Form is a two-part with antiphons & repeated verse
    • Very Melismatic
    • Form is Alleluia, psalm verse, and alleluia, these good King
  • *LEC 2/2* (23) Gradual (Form)
    • Alleluia A (a,a,b)
    • Psalm Verse B (c,d,d)
    • Alleluia A'
  • *LEC 2/2 (24) Eucharist: Second Part of Mass
    • Offertory: originally for when the bread & wine would be offered (melismatic)
    • Sanctus: Two different biblical texts with one from Old Testament & one from New Testament
    • Agnes Dei: Lamb of God, have mercy on us & responsorial chant
    • Communion: Originally taken only my clergy, consisted of antiphon with psalm verse the antiphon
    • Dismissal of Mass: two types of text either "Ite, misssa est" = Go, mass is dismissed & during Lent or Advent its "benedicamus Domino" = Let us bless the Lord later responging to "Thanks be to God"
  • *LEC 2/5 (25) Chant Theory
    • Musicians established framework to music because Charlemagne wanted to unify & standardize from mixing Galican chant to Old Roman chant
    • 9th century Greek sources were preserved in Arabic translation
    • The system to describe the formula on psalms, relating in melodic patterns, are psalm tones
  • *LEC 2/5 (26) Psalm Tones Classification
    • Tenor = to hold, meaning pitch which psalm verse is mostly chanted
    • Psalm verse has two texts, the verse & expanded form
    • Structure: Intonation - Tenor - Mediant - Tenor - Termination
  • *LEC 2/5 (27) Chant Theory
    • Psalm tone s related to modes because musicians discovered the pitch pattern of certain antiphons related to psalm tones
    • Modes: theoretical framework to explain pitch organization of other chants
  • *LEC 2/5 (28) Modes
    • Determined by the final (last note in chant), Dominant & Ambitus (Range)
    • In odd # modes, the final is at the bottom of the range
    • Dominant: pitch that is circled around by melody (5th above final for authentic modes)
    • 7 modes, 4 pairs of finals
    • Pitch "b" avoided with mode 3 shifting "b-c" and mode 8 shifting "d-c"
  • *LEC 2/7 (29) The Notation of Chant
    • Notation & Gallian Chant developed in 8th & 9th century passed orally
    • Stages of Notation
    • 1] Accents with the stage being letters
    • 2] non-diastematic neumes determining if pitch moves up or down
    • 3] Diastematic neumes organize pitch vertically
    • 4] Addition of a reference line to neumes acting as a reference pitch
    • 5] Making the reference line red, then second yellow line indicating '"c"
    • 6] Writing pitches designated for lines (clefs)
  • *2/7 (30) Greek Theory
    • Guido was from Italian town of Zrezzo
    • Guido standardized th 4-line staff with 6 functional plants.
  • *LEC 2/7 (31) Greek Theory
    • The hexachord system involves six pitches (WS-WS-HS-WS-WS)
    • Soft b = b mollis / Hard b = b durum
    • The types of hexachords are Natural, Soft, and Hard (know what their different are)
  • *LEC 2/7 (32) Types of hexachords
    • Natural (C) hexachord: putting "ut"(do) on the "fa" of a G3 hexachord
    • Soft (F) Hexachord: putting "ut"(do) on the "fa" of a natural hexachord starting on C3
    • Hard (G) hexachord: putting "ut"(do) on the "sol" of a natural hexachord starting on C3
  • *LEC 2/9 (33) Developments in Liturgical Chant
    • Gloss: elaborates on pre-existing chants
    • Gloss refers to chant's developments
    • Two types of gloss include Marginal & Interlinear
    • Marginal gloss refers to addition art while Interlinear gloss refers to additional commentary to the chant
  • *LEC 2/9 (34) Development in Liturgical Chant
    • Trope: refers to musical gloss or addition of new words or music to chant
    • Troping happened to specific chants in the Divine Office including Antiphons, Responsorial, Versicals, & Benedicamus Domino
  • *LEC 2/9 (35) Development of Liturgical Chant
    • Prosula: refers to the new text with tropes
    • Troping led to the creation of a separate movement of Mass originally from Prosulas
    • Troping created the genre Liturgical Drama
  • *LEC 2/9 (36) The Development of Liturgical Chant
    • Notker the Stammerer (840-912): a monk, nicknamed Babulus for his stuttering, credited for his invention of poetic text that fully rhymed to be said to jubilusis (Form: a-bb-cc-d) with its own movement in Mass after the Alleluia known as the Sequence
  • *LEC 2/9 (37) Liturgical Drama
    • First Liturgical Drama was by Bishop Winchester as an Easter Mass
    • Morality Play by Hildegard (1098-1179) gives no dialogue to the Devil’s role
  • *LEC 2/12 (38) Liturgical & Venacular Secular Song to 1300
    • Long tradition of Folk song was lost from it being passed orally
    • The Church set up school to train boys to become church officials
    • Music outside church (secular) had two categories being Latin or French text
  • *LEC 2/12 (39) Songs w/ Latin Text
    • Conductus: origins lies in the Church, but not considered non-liturgical songs with genres including Cantio, Cantilena, and Planctus
    • Goliards: named after St. Goliath the giant soldier, these were people who made poems with a large collection called Carmina Burana consisting of love, drinking, and gambling songs
    • Wheel of Fortune in Carmina Burana: describes the ups and downs of life
    • Bacce, bene venies song: from the Carmina Burana collection about drinking and fertility (Bacchus = God of fertility & alcohol)