
Cards (22)

  • The five kingdoms are: Prokaryotae, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
  • Prokaryotae are unicellular bacteria with no nucleus or membrane-bound oganelles
  • Prokaryotae absorb nutrients through their cell wall
  • Protista are unicellular eukaryotes with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles
  • Protista can have chloroplasts, and locomotion mechanisms e.g. flagella, cilia, amoeboid mechanisms
  • Fungi can be unicellular or multicellular and have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles
  • Fungi do not contain chloroplasts or locomotion mechanims
  • most Fungi have a body/mycelium made up of threads or hyphae
  • Fungi are Saprophytic feeders (absorb nutrients from decayig material) and store most food as Glycogen
  • Plantae are multicellular and contain nuclei and other membrane-bound organelles, including chloroplasts
  • Most Plantae do not move
  • Plantae are Autotrophic feeders (aquire nutrients through Photosynthesis)
  • Animalia are multicellular and contain nuclei and other membrane-bound organelles
  • Animalia do not contain chloroplasts but do move with cilia, flagella, and contractile proteins
  • Animalia are Heterotrophic feeders (nutrients aquired by ingestion) and store most food as Glycogen
  • The three Domains are: Eukarya, Archaea, Bacteria
  • Eukarya contain 80S ribosomes and the RNA Polymerase contains 12 proteins
  • Archaea contain 70S ribosomes are the RNA Polymerase contains 8-10 proteins
  • Bacteria contains 70S ribosomes and the RNA Polymerase contains 5 proteins
  • Archaebacteria is ancient bacteria that can survive in extreme environments e.g thermal vents, anaerobic conditions
  • Eubacteria is true bacteria found in all environments
  • The Three-Domain System was introduced by Carl Woese