Selective breeding

Cards (7)

  • Selective breeding is an artificial process in which organisms with desired characteristics are chosen as parents for the next generation
  • Humans have bred food crops from wild plants and domesticated animals for thousands of years
  • Main steps involved in selective breeding:
    • Decide which characteristics are important to select
    • Choose parents that show these characteristics from a mixed population and breed them together
    • Choose the best offspring with the desired characteristics to produce the next generation
    • Repeat the process continuously over many generations until all offspring show the desired characteristics
  • Desired characteristics in plants:
    • Disease resistance in food crops
    • Wheat plants that produce lots of grain
    • Large or unusual flowers
  • Desired characteristics in animals:
    • Animals that produce lots of milk or meat
    • Chickens that lay large eggs
    • Domestic dogs that have a gentle nature
  • Benefits of selective breeding:
    • New varieties may be economically important by producing more or better quality food
    • Animals can be selected that cannot cause harm, for example cattle without horns
  • Risks of selective breeding:
    • Reduced genetic variation can lead to attack by specific insects or disease, which could be extremely destructive
    • Rare disease genes can be unknowingly selected as part of a positive trait, leading to problems with specific organisms
    • Can create physical problems in specific organisms, for example, large dogs can have faulty hips due to not being formed correctly