Principles of evolution by natural selection

Cards (14)

  • Evolution is the change of inherited characteristics within a population over time through natural selection
  • Evolution may result in the formation of a new species
  • All species of living things have evolved from simple life forms over a period of time
  • The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old
  • Life on Earth began more than three billion years ago
  • Natural selection is the process whereby the best-adapted individuals survive longer, have more offspring and spread their characteristics
  • Individuals in a species show a wide range of variation due to differences in their genes
  • Individuals with characteristics most suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
  • Genes that allow individuals to be successful within their environment are passed on to their offspring
  • Poorly adapted individuals are less likely to survive and reproduce
  • Over time, a species will gradually evolve
  • Both genes and the environment can cause variation, but only genetic variation can be passed on to the next generation
  • If two populations of one species become increasingly different in phenotype that they can no longer interbreed to form fertile offspring, this can result in the formation of two species
  • Peacocks provide a simple example of evolution through natural selection, where females choose a mate based on the colourful tail feathers of the males