Modern developments in classification systems

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  • Living things are classified using a system developed by Carl Linnaeus
  • Organisms are commonly named by the binomial system of genus and species
  • Technology associated with biology has advanced throughout the years, enhancing the current classification system
  • Microscopes allowed cells to be examined in more detail, distinguishing organelles within individual cells for a more scientific approach of classification
  • Biochemistry and DNA evidence have clarified ambiguities within the classification system
  • Classification systems have been developed by other scientists, such as Carl Woese who developed the three-domain system
  • The three-domain system divides organisms into Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota
  • Evolutionary trees represent relationships between organisms
  • Tips of the tree represent different species, while branches joining represent a common ancestor
  • Evolutionary trees can be created using DNA sequences to examine differences at a DNA level that may have led to evolutionary splits millions of years ago