Competition in plants

Cards (10)

  • Plants compete for light by growing quickly to reach it and often shade other plants with their leaves
  • Water is a reactant in photosynthesis and plants need a regular supply of water for the process to occur
  • Plants require minerals for healthy growth, including nitrates and magnesium
  • Plants suffer deficiency diseases if they lack sufficient minerals for healthy growth
  • Plants that grow in soils with few minerals have evolved different ways of accessing nitrates, such as being carnivorous and consuming insects
  • Plants require space for healthy growth to maximize photosynthesis
  • Competition for space can be intraspecific (within the same species) or interspecific (between different species)
  • Competition ensures the growth of the healthiest individuals and maintains vigor in the population
  • Individuals within a species that cannot compete effectively may not reproduce and may die, known as survival of the fittest
  • Species that are unable to effectively compete may become extinct