Cards (5)

  • An extremophile is an organism that lives in an extreme environment
  • Extreme environments are places where most organisms would find it difficult or impossible to survive
  • Examples of extreme environments include the Polar Regions, deserts, the deep ocean bed, hot geothermal springs, and the tops of our highest mountains
  • Polar Regions:
    • The Arctic (North Pole) contains polar bears, while the Antarctic (South Pole) has penguins
    • Both regions are extremely cold, often averaging -40°C
    • Animals in these regions have adaptations like thick white fur, acute senses, small surface area to volume ratio, and a thick layer of fat for insulation
  • Deep sea volcanic vents:
    • Found on the ocean floor where volcanic gases bubble through
    • Extreme environments due to heat, high pressure, and darkness
    • Bacteria feed on chemicals released from the vents, forming the base of the food chain
    • Unique ecosystems with species that have separately evolved and adaptations to survive in these conditions