Use of compost and manure by gardeners and farmers

Cards (6)

  • Decomposition, or decay, is the breakdown of dead matter
  • Rate of decay depends on:
    • Number of decomposing microorganisms
    • Temperature
    • Water and oxygen availability
  • Gardeners and farmers improve soil quality by adding compost or manure
    • Compost: decayed organic matter used as plant fertiliser
    • Manure: animal dung used as fertiliser
  • Compost and manure are broken down into minerals by decomposing bacteria, fungi, and other organisms like worms
    • Helps recycle minerals for new plant growth
    • Improves soil quality by increasing aeration and water retention
  • Inorganic fertilisers can also be used by farmers to overcome specific mineral deficiencies
    • Does not involve decomposers
    • Nitrogen is a key element recycled by decomposers to produce nitrate ions for plant growth
  • Nitrate ions are produced by decomposers breaking down proteins and urea in the soil
    • Plants need nitrogen to make proteins for growth and repair
    • Nutrients and minerals are passed along the food chain as organisms are consumed