Chap. 2

Cards (22)

  • DRI? (dietary reference intakes)
    aim to reduce chronic health diseases. for healthy peopleonly
  • What is EAR?
    average daily intake to meet 50% of a group's dietary needs
  • What is RDA?
    estimated to reach 97 - 98% of a groups dietary needs
  • What is AI?
    The average dietary intake, used when EAR can't be determined.
    Used when there is no RDA
  • What is UL?
    highest average daily intake, not used on a daily basis
  • AMDR?
    recommended range of carb, fat, protein. expressed as total energy
  • What is EER?
    average energy intake of most healthy adults
  • What is a food label required to have?
    identity, net content, manufacturer
  • What is a food label required to have?
    Ingredient list, nutrition info
  • What are calories used for?
    determine the amount of key ingredients
  • What are percent daily values?
    how much a serving of food contributes to overall intake
  • What are daily value percentages weighed on?
    A 2,000 cal diet
  • How often are dietary guidelines updated?
    5 years
  • Who makes the dietary guidelines?
    U.S. Departmentsof Agriculture and Health and Human Services
  • What are servings based on?
    age, gender, activity level
  • What is under nutrition?
    a persons diet that lacks in several nutrients over a long period of itme
  • Moderation?
    eating any food in a moderate amount
  • Nutrient-dense diet?
    high proportion of nutrients to calories in a food
  • How much grain is required per day?
    6 oz
  • How many veggies are required per day?
    2 1/2 cups
  • How many fruits are required per day?
    2 cups
  • How much dairy foods are required per day?
    3 cups