A metabolic waste of respiration is Carbon dioxide.
Excretion takes place in:
Excretory organs:
The lungs are responsible for the excretion of gaseous wastes, primarily carbon dioxide from cellular respiration in cells throughout the body
Exhaled air also contains water vapor and trace levelsof some other waste gases
Deamination- break down of excess amino acid to form urea
The liver:
Regulate blood sugar level
Stores substance such as iron and vitamins
Sweat glands in the skin secrete a fluid waste called sweat or perspiration; however, its primary functions are temperature control and pheromone release.
Sweating also maintains the level of salt in the body. It also removes traces of urea
Selective reabsorption - process by which useful molecules(e.g. ions, glucose and amino acids), after being filtered out ofthe blood are reabsorbed or re-enters the bloodstream (fromthe filtrate formed in the nephron).
nephrons - tiny structures that filter the blood
Structures found in the cortex of nephrons:
Boumans capsule
Proximal Convulated tubule
Distal convoluted tubule
Efferent arteriole
Afferent arteriole
Structures found in the medulla of nephrons:
Loop of Henle
Collecting duct
Excretion is important in living organisms because many waste products are harmful and if these build up in cells, they damage and kill the cells.
The kidneys excrete water, nitrogenous waste and salts as urine
The lungs excrete carbon dioxide and water vapour during exhalation
The skin excretes water, urea and salts as sweat. It also excretes heat
The liver excretes bile pigments and makes nitrogenous waste
A renal artery carries blood to each kidney
A renal vein carries blood away from the kidneys
Waste substances produced during metabolism
Carbon dioxide - respiration
Water - respiration
Nitrogenous compounds - deamination
Bile pigments
Heat - metabolism
Bile pigments are produced by the breakdown of haemoglobin from red blood cells in the liver
Substances excreted from the body:
Carbon dioxide
Bile pigments
Nephrons produce urine
Each nephron has a network of blood capillaries wrapped around it which leads from the glomerulus and joins into a venue into the renal vein
Nephrons join into collecting ducts In the cortex
Ultrafiltration occurs in the glomerulus
Afferent arteriole gives the glomerulus blood at a high pressure
kidneys - make urine
ureter - tube carrying urine to the bladder
bladder - bag with muscular walls which stores urine temporarily
sphincter muscle - regulates urine release from the bladder
urethra - takes urine from bladder to the outside of the body
glomerulus - cluster of capillaries at the end of an arteriole
selective reabsorption occurs in the nephrons
ultrafiltration occurs in the glomeruli
Proximal convoluted tubule reabsorbs the following: