Galaxies- A large group of stars, gas, and dust bound
together by gravity
Dark matter - Matter that has gravity but does not emit
light, Has Attractive Gravity, Formed of Particles and it Binds the Universe and its about 23-27% of the entire universe
Dark energy - Source of anti-gravity, Counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand, Non-particulate and its about 68-73% of the entire universe
- Has Repulsive Gravity
- Tears the Universe
Baryonic matter - Ordinary matter consisting of protons,
neutrons, and electrons - Comprises atoms, planets, stars, galaxies and+
other bodies and its about 4-4.6% of the entire universe
Light year - Distance that a light can travel in a year
what is the age of universe? 13.8 billion Years Old
What stars become after they have
exhausted nuclear fuel - White dwarf
Neutron star - Celestial object of very small radius and very
high density
Composed predominantly of closed packed
Protostar - Earthly stage of star resulting from the
gravitational collapse of gases
Edwin hubble - First that proved the universe is expanding
Proved there is a direct relationship between
the speeds of distant galaxies and their
distances from Earth
Who Announced significant discovery of
"red-shift" - Edwin hubblee
Planetary nebula - Ringshaped nebula formed by an
expanding shell of gas around an aging star
Thermonuclear reaction - Nuclear Fusion Reaction responsible for the energy produced by stars
Hubble's Law - Dominant motion in the universe is the
smooth expansion
"The distant galaxies we see in all directions
are moving away from Earth"
Black Hole - Region of space having a gravitational field
so intense that no matter or radiation can
Red shift - Increase in wavelength: decreased in
frequency and moving away
BLUE SHIFT -Decreased in wavelength: increased in
frequency and moving closer
Cosmic microwave backround - Remnant heat left over from the Big Bang
Arno Penzias and Robert W. Wilson in 1964
using WMAP spacecraft
Big Bang theory predicts that the early
universe was a very hot place and that as
it expands, the gas within it cools
Doppler effect - Apparent frequency of a sound changes
due to the relative movement of the source
and/or observer
Objects moving toward you appear Blue but if objects moving away appear Red
Ancient egypt - Believed in many gods and myths which
narrate that the world arose from an infinite
sea at the first rising
CENTRAL AFRICA -People of Kuba in Central Africa tell the story
of a creator god Mbombo (Bumba) who (in
immense stomach pain) vomited the stars,
sun, and moon
India- Gods sacrificed Purusha (primal man) whose
head, feet, eyes, and mind became the sky,
earth, sun, and moon (respectively)
Nebula- composed of gases (hydrogen) and dust
Stellar evolution - process of star formation
stars - are the building blocks of galaxy
most abundant elements of the universe is Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium
Hubble Space Telescope was named after
Edwin Hubble
Orion arm - Sun and entire solar system location
Steady state model - Suggests that the universe is always expanding in a constant average density
Big bang theory - Started from a tiny dense and hot mass to its present size and much cooler state
Big bang theory rest on two ideas which is - General relativity and Cosmological principle
Homogeneous – every point is equivalent
Isotropic – every direction is equivalent
Asteroid belt - Circumstellar disc located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
Kuiper belt - Comprises numerous rocky or icy bodies a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in size
Oort cloud - Marks the outer boundary of the solar system and is composed mostly of icy objects
Terrestial planets - have High densities
● Thin or no atmospheres
● Rotate slowly
● Rocky materials such as silicates, iron, and
nickel of high melting points
Jovian Worlds - have
● Low densities
● Thick atmospheres
● Rotate rapidly
Collision or Encounter Hypothesis- What hypothesis that is Assumption is that the Sun was formed before the planets. - The gravitational attraction of closely passing