Bernoulli’s Principle states that air that is moving faster will have a lower pressure.
Bernoulli’s principle affects lift because the shape of an airfoil causes a lower pressure situation above the wing and higher pressure below, causing a wing to rise.
Newton’s 3rd law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction or if A exerts a force on B, then B exerts an equal and opposite force on A.
Political alliances, treaties, and relationships are built when politicians travel to other countries, which is a pro of flight.
Birds use lift to float and flap their wings to create wind.
Birds are light but strong, and are pulleddown by gravity.
Pitch is the angle of the plane when seen from the side, and if the plane is pointing up or down, it will tend to climb or to dive.
When two students are balancing on their heels and one pushes the other back, they will also need to step back. What is this called?
Elevators help the plane maintain pitch.
What is roll and what makes it happen?
No matter what side you see it from, whether it‘a leaning or tilted to one side, which usually means it will twist in a corkscrew path. Aerilons make it happen.
Noise and fumes from airplanes are examples of environmental pollution.
God created air to take up space, as evidenced by a heavy newspaper experiment where a ruler is half under a paper and hardly lifts up the paper at all when pressed on.
When a tissue is put in a glass and put upside down into water, it doesn’t get wet, demonstrating that air takes up space.
When a glass is put on top of a ping pong ball floating on water and pushed down, the water level moves down, showing that air exerts pressure.
A full balloon is heavier than an empty balloon when on a simple scale, indicating that air has mass.
Lift is the force that overcomes gravity and allows the object to rise in the air.
Thrust is the force that propels animals or aircraft through the air.
Drag is a force caused by the friction of air against a moving object.
Gravity is the force which pulls an object towards the centre of the earth or weight is the heaviness of an object that pulls it down.
Bernoulli’s Principle states that air that is moving faster will have a lower pressure.
Bernoulli’s principle affects lift because the shape of an airfoil causes a lower pressure situation above the wing and higher pressure below, causing a wing to rise.
Newton’s 3rd law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction or if A exerts a force on B, then B exerts an equal and opposite force on A.
Some cons of flight include increased demand for gasoline, destruction of lands to build airports and runways, and the spread of diseases like COVID-19 as millions of people move around the globe.
Pros of flight include peacekeeping missions, disaster response, and the ability for families to be together.
Cons of flight include increased carbon emissions, chemicals and pesticides being sprayed on crops, and the ability for countries to help each other.
Elevators help the plane maintain its pitch.
Some cons of flight include increased carbon emissions, chemicals and pesticides being sprayed on crops, and the ability for countries to help each other.
Birds use their wings to change direction by adjusting the angle of attack.
Roll is the angle of the plane when seen from the front or the back, and is controlled by aerilons.
Rudder: Control surface used to control yaw.
The airplane's nose points upwards during takeoff because the thrust generated by the engines is greater than the weight of the aircraft.
Asteroid belt
Rocks between Mars and Jupiter that orbit the Sun
Space rocks outside of the asteroid belt that orbit the Sun
Meteoroids that enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up from the heat of friction
Shooting stars
Meteors that get a long flaming tail
Earth's atmosphere
A shield
Meteors that don't totally burn up in our atmosphere and hit the ground (make a crater)
Travel through space in long elliptical orbits around the Sun, mostly made of ice, like dirty snowballs
Comets get close to the Sun
Waves of heat and radiation melt the ice and send a long tail away from the Sun
A large system of stars and solar systems held together by gravity and isolated from similar systems by vast regions of space, can be spiral, elliptical or irregular in shape