Infographic, also known as data visualization, is a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to explain information or data.
Infographic makes the data easily understood at a glance and quickly communicates a message, especially to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data.
Infographic is used to easily compare data patterns and relationships.
The subject and the main idea of an infographic must be clear.
Data in an infographic must be well-organized and supports the main idea.
Simplicity in an infographic refers to the color, style, and illustrations.
Infographic sources must be cited to give credibility to the data.
Infographic must be creative and innovative.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) is the most popular format used on the web.
JPEG files are very ‘lossy’ files where much of the information about the image is lost from the original state to keep the image file size small.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is limited to the 9-bit palette with only 256 colors.
GIF was popularized in the 1980s as an efficient means to transmit images across data networks and in the web since it uses the basic form of file compression.
GIF is best used for diagrams, cartoons, and logos which use few colors and is the chosen format for animation effects.
BMP (Windows Bitmap file) is the image used in the Microsoft Windows Operating System.
BMP is an uncompressed file and is made up of millions of dots called ‘pixels’, with different colors and arrangements.
BMP is also called raster image.
BMP is not usually used on the web since it takes up a big space in the memory and does not scale well.
TIFF (Tagged Image FileFormat) is a file format created originally by Aldus Corporation for desktop publishing.
TIFF is supported by many imaging programs and is a good format for graphic storage, processing and printing.
TIFF is considered as a high-quality image format, where all color and data information are stored.
However, TIFF produces a very large file size and takes huge disk consumption.
PNG (Portable Network Graphic is an image format developed by a group of graphics software developers as a nonproprietary alternative to the GIF format.
PNG supports full-color images and used for photographic images.