Intro to Psych Terms

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  • Psychology is the scientific study of individual behaviour and mental processes
  • Mental processes is the internal tasks we perform within our minds. Examples include thinking, decision making, remembering and problem solving
  • Behaviour is an observable action
  • Empirical evidence is evidence that has been gathered using observation and/or experimentation
  • Independent variable is the variable in a study that the researcher manipulates in order to create different conditions for comparison of effects
  • Dependent variable is the variable that the researcher measures, it is the effect of the IV
  • Treatment group is the group that receives a treatment that is hypothesized to have an effect
  • Control group is the group in an experiment that receives no treatments, so comparisons can be made with the treatment group
  • Causation is when one variable directly causes a change in another
  • Correlation is when two variables are related to one another in that as one increases or decreases, so does the other
  • Extraneous variable is a variable that could influence the DV but is not the subject of the study
  • negative correlation is when one variable increases the other decreases
  • positive correlation is when one variable increases, so does the other
  • phenomenon is anything that has been observed to commonly occur
  • bidirectional ambiguity is when their is a correlation between two variables and their is uncertainty about which variable is influencing which