I.I.I stands for Inquiry, Investigation, and Immerion.
Research is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to increase our understanding of a phenomenon about which we are interested or concerned.
Research is a systematic and objective creation of knowledge.
Why do we Research?
Add to existing knowledge; Improve practice; Inform policies; Solve problems, not emergencies.
Word Bank of Module 1
Inquiry, Investigation, Immersion, Research Study, Concept
Inquiry is a method that has the aim of EXTENDING KNOWLEDGE, UNDERTAKING DOUBT, or SOLVING A PROBLEM.
Immersion is the PROCESS of LEARNING A SKILL.
Research Study is EXPLORING THINGS to come up with the BEST IDEA/S to respond to the needs of society.
Concept is a CONCEPTUAL REPRESENTATION ABSTRACT OBJECTS, or abilities that make up the fundamental building blocks of thoughts and beliefs.
Two types of Natural Inquiry
Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research
Theory of Inquiry is an INTERPRETATION of the various types of inquiry and action of the ways that each type of inquiry attains its aim.
4 Steps in Inquiry-Based Learning
(1) Focus, (2) DecideonaTopic, (3) Understanding the Problem, (4) Design on the Problem