
Cards (12)

  • regulators
    uses internal mechanisms to maintain a relatively constant state
  • conformers
    their internal state varies with that of the environment
  • avoiders
    may not be capable of internal regulation but can minimize internal variations by avoiding environmental disturbances
  • negative feedback
    main regulatory mechanism for homeostasis
  • sensor, integrator, and effector
    components of built-in set point
  • sensor
    to measure the variable being regulated
  • integrator
    compares the sensed information with a set point
  • Effector
    the device or process that makes the corrective response
  • local control
    at the level of individual cells, tissues, or organs
  • whole-body system control
    for more complex responses
  • intrinsic controls
    regulated by a single tissue or organ on its own and are self serving for the organ in which they occur
  • extrinsic controls
    regulatory mechanisms initiated outside an organ to alter its activity and often involves coordination of two or more organs towards a common goal