His def of libido as a more generalizedpsychicenergy that includes stress but not restricted to it
Second disagreement forces that influencepersonality. We are shaped by our future as well as our past
3rd diff with F around unconscious more emphasis than F added new dimension: inheritedexperiences of human and pre-humanspecies(phylogenetic). Combining from myth, anthro, and religion to form his image of human nature
Unhappychildhood, black-frocked clergy men, death funerals, neurotic parents in failing marriage Religious doubts and conflicts, bizarre dreams and visions and a wooden doll for a companion.
Introduce to religion and classics. Close 2 father, but considered him weak and powerless and failed to be strong authority figure.
Moody mother and made jung wary of womem
Dreams of being in a cave digging beneath the Earth's surface on earsing the bones of prehistoric animals. Led to the approach of human personality.
Autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 1961. Subjective personal confession.
Solitary childhood Carl Jung wrote: The pattern of my relationship to the world was already prefigured; today as then. I am a solitary.
Inner of the growth individual rather than on relationships with other people. Unlike F theory of interpersonal relationships
Fainting in school and fathers reaction taught him about neuroticbehaviors
Studied at University of Basel specialize in psychiatry pursue, dreams,supernatural and the occult. 1900 worked at mental hospital in Zurich under Eugen Bleuler he termed schizophrenia , Jung also taught in Uni of Zurich
1st time w F talked for 13 hours, Jung considered F a father figure relationship contained elements of the Oedipus complex, (destroy the father)
F grooming Jung to take over presidency at International Psychoanalytic Society. F wanted a non-jew to lead
Severed friendship in 1913 w F
JUNG Had severe neurotic episode that last 3 years at 38.
Kept a revolver in case of a point of no return due to neurotic behaviors
Crucial stage in personality development was in middle age.
Greeted his utensils hid large amounts of cash and adopted a coldformalmanner of dealing with their 3 daughters.