
Cards (82)

  • cell is the fundamental unit of life
  • tissue is a group of cells consisting of one or more cell types that together perform a specialized function
  • An organ consists of several types of tissues that together carry out particular functions
  • A root is an organ that anchors a vascular plant in the soil, absorbs minerals and water, and often stores carbohydrates and other reserves. T
  • The primary root, originating in the seed embryo, is the first root (and the first organ) to emerge from a germinating seed.
  • the taproot is the main vertical root
  • root hairs
  • prop root
  • storage root
  • pneumatophores
  • buttress root
  • strangling roots
  • A stem is a plant organ bearing leaves and buds. Its chief function is to elongate and orient the shoot in a way that maximizes photosynthesis by the leaves
  • Each stem consists of an alternating system of nodes, the points at which leaves are attached
  • internodes is the stem segments between nodes
  • most of the growth of a young shoot is concentrated near the growing shoot tip, or apical bud.
  • the upper angle (axil) formed by each leaf and the stem is an axillary bud
  • Tubers
  • stolon
  • rhizome
  • In most vascular plants, the leaf is the main photosynthetic organ.
  • the petiole, which joins the leaf to the stem at a node
  • Monocots and eudicots differ in the arrangement of veins, the vascular tissue of leaves
  • loose connective tissue, which binds epithelia to underlying tissues and holds organs in place.
  • cuboidal epithelium is specialized for secretion
  • Simple columnar epithelium are often found where secretion or active absorption is important
  • Simple squamous epithelium is where diffusion of nutrients and gases is essential.
  • stratified squamous epithelium is multilayered and regenerates rapidly
  • Pseudostratified columnar epithelium consists of a single layer of cells varying in height and the position of their nuclei.
  • fibroblasts secrete fiber protein
  • macrophages engulf foreign particles and any cell debris by phagocytosis
  • The most widespread connective tissue in the vertebrate body is loose connective tissue, which binds epithelia to underlying tissues and holds organs in place.
  • Fibrous connective tissue is dense with collagenous fibers. It is found in tendons, which attach muscles to bones, and in ligaments, which connect bones at joints
  • The skeleton of most vertebrates is made of bone, a mineralized connective tissue.
  • Adipose tissue is a specialized loose connective tissue that stores fat in adipose cells distributed throughout its matrix.
  • Blood has a liquid extracellular matrix called plasma, which consists of water, salts, and dissolved proteins.
  • Cartilage contains collagenous fibers embedded in a rubbery protein-carbohydrate complex called chondroitin sulfate
  • The tissue responsible for nearly all types of body movement is muscle tissue
  • Attached to bones by tendons, skeletal muscle, or striated muscle, is responsible for voluntary movements
  • Smooth muscle, which lacks striations, is found in the walls of the digestive tract, urinary bladder, arteries, and other internal organs.