Cards (81)

  • A field is a group of characters that has some meaning.
  • A(n) record is a collection of fields that contain data about an entity.
  • Random files are also called direct access files.
  • InputStream and OutputStream are subclasses of the object class.
  • The benefit of using a(n) random access file is the ability to retrieve a specific record from a file directly, without reading through other records to locate the desired one.
  • After you create a FileSystem object, you can define a Path using the getPath() method with it.
  • The BufferedWriter class contains a newLine() method that uses the current platform’s line separator.
  • A file channel is seekable, meaning you can search for a specific file location and operations can start at any specified position.
  • Because the backslash character starts the escape sequence in Java, you must use two backslashes in a string that describes a Path in the DOS operating system.
  • A(n) file channel object is an avenue for reading and writing a file.
  • A data file can be used as a(n) sequential access file when each record is accessed one after another in the order in which it was stored.
  • A(n) key field is the field in a record that makes the record unique from all others.
  • A(n) ByteBuffer is a holding place for bytes that are waiting to be read or written.
  • An array of bytes can be wrapped, or encompassed, into a ByteBuffer using the ByteBuffer wrap() method.
  • Any of the file input or output methods in a Java program might throw an exception, so all the relevant code in the class is placed in a try block.
  • FileSystems is a class that contains factory methods, which assist in object creation.
  • Java lets you assign a file to a(n) stream object so that screen output and file output work in exactly the same manner.
  • Placing a file in the root directory of your storage device is equivalent to tossing a loose document into a drawer.
  • Some text files are data files that contain facts and figures, such as a payroll file that contains employee numbers, names, and salaries.
  • The getFileName() method returns the last Path element in a list of pathnames.
  • When you use the BufferedReader class, you must import the package into your program.
  • Which of the following statements will write a line separator? BufferedWriter.newline();
  • You can create a writeable file by using the Files class newOutputStream() method.
  • You can use Java's Path class to create objects that contain information about files or directories, such as their locations, sizes, creation dates, and whether they even exist.
  • Real-time applications require that a record be accessed immediately while a client is waiting.
  • Reader is an abstract class for reading character streams.
  • The String class split() method accepts an argument that identifies the field delimiter and returns an array of Strings.
  • When you create an array of objects, each reference is assigned the value null.
  • A(n) enhanced for loop allows you to cycle through an array without specifying the starting and ending points for the loop control variable.
  • When any primitive type is passed to a method, the value is passed.
  • When you declare or access an array, you can use any expression to represent the size, as long as the expression is a(n) integer.
  • After you create an array variable, you still need to reserved memory space.
  • A(n) flag is a variable that holds a value as an indicator of whether some condition has been met.
  • When any primitive type (boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, or double) is passed to a method, the value is passed.
  • When you declare or access an array, you can use any expression to represent the size, as long as the expression is an integer.
  • When you declare int[]someNums = new int[10];, each element of someNums has a value of 0.
  • When you perform a range match, you compare a value to the endpoints of numerical ranges to find the category in which a value belongs.
  • It is a good programming practice to ensure that a subscript to an array not fall below zero, causing an runtime error.
  • Individual array elements are passed by value when a copy of the value is made and used within the receiving method
  • When a method returns an array reference, you include [] with the return type in the method header