First Priority Diseases are communicable diseases which have the potential for very serious and rapid spread; are presently the priority of the government for prevention, control and eradication programs.
Foot and MouthDisease (01, A2 4, C3) is a First Priority Disease.
HemorrhagicSepticemia is a First Priority Disease.
Anthrax is a First Priority Disease.
Blackleg is a First Priority Disease.
Second Priority Diseases are communicable diseases which are considered to be of socioeconomic and/or public healthimportance.
Brucellosis is a Second Priority Disease.
Leptospirosis is a Second Priority Disease.
Bovine Tuberculosis is a Second Priority Disease.
Emerging Diseases are communicable diseases which have been recentlydetected to be present in the country but still confined in limitedareas or farms.
Johne’sDisease is an Emerging Disease.
Diseases of Farm Concern are diseases which commonly affect farm animals and their prevention and control are of primary concern of the farm.
Anaplasmosis is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Babesiosis is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Colibacillosis is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Fascioliasis is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Keratoconjunctivitis is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Mycoplasmosis is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Trypanosomiasis is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Orf is a Disease of Farm Concern.
Diseases of Companion Animals are diseases of horses, dogs, cats, and exoticpets which are present in the country.
ExoticDiseases are diseases of animals which are not and no longer present in the country based on the classification of OIE listings of diseases, A and B.
Foot and Mouth Disease (Asia 1, SAT 1, SAT 2, SAT 3) is an Exotic Disease.
ContagiousBovinePleuropneumonia is an Exotic Disease.
MucosalDisease / BovineVirusDiarrhea is an Exotic Disease.
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis is an Exotic Disease.
EnzoonoticBovineLeukosis is an Exotic Disease.
Peste de Petits Ruminants is an Exotic Disease.
Bovine SpongiformEncephalopathy (BSE) is an Exotic Disease.
Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia is an Exotic Disease.
Caprine Arthritis/ Encephalitis is an Exotic Disease.