Cards (3)

  • Civil War 1861 -65

    Part 1 - Early 19th century, white Americans acquired new land, new states were created. Allowing slavery in new states was debated. North opposed it - no new state should be allowed in with slavery . Southerners were furious. Northerners appeared to be claiming moral superiority and threatening to decrease Southern influence in Congress.
  • Civil War 1861-65
    Part 2 - The fact that some states were non-slave states led to the Dred Scott case in which the Supreme Court said blacks weren't US citizens - Congress lacked the constitutional authority to exclude slavery from new states. This antagonized the Northerners.
  • Civil War 1961-65
    Part 3 - North/South tension was increased by extremism by both sides. Republican party opposed extension of slavery. To Southerners - Lincoln seemed to threaten the existence of slavery. So Southerners states formed a new nation, the Confederate states of America. When President Lincoln raised Northern armies to bring the South back into the United States, the civil war begun. After 4 years of bitter fighting. North won.