Cards (3)

  • Part 1 - 13th amendment was vital in that it worsened tensions over the reincorporation of the South into the Union. They were differing visions over the vote of freed slaves in the political settlement. Radical Republicans were keen to see freed slaves have the vote and they resented the re-establishment of the political domination of the old white elite. Not everyone agreed.
  • Part 2 - other states like South Carolina added their own interpretive declarations by their ratification of the 13th amendment. In 1865, Lincoln was assassinated and replaced by Andrew Johnson . He was a Southerner, Democrat - faced the problem of what to do with the defeated Southern states. These states ruined economies and changed societies had to be reincorporated in the Union.
  • Part 3 - the process of introducing and managing change - Reconstruction. In 1865, many Southern blacks demanded equality and particularly the right to vote. Johnson moved to conciliate the traditional white Southern elite. Once any Southern state accepted the end of slavery and rejected the Confederacy - readmitted into the union. White officials who had severed the Confederacy were now elected to govern the Southerns states. The ex-Confederate states introduced 'Black Codes' to ensure blacks did not gain economic, legal, social and political equality.