dependent orgin- the idea that everything only exists because of something else, everything effects everything
mettabhavana- development of loving kindess, usally through meditation
vipassana- insight meditation
sunyata- mayhana buddhists also believe that all things are empty or without form and only exist because of dependent orgin, there is no perment self
buddha nature- everyone has the potential to become enlightened
arhat- someone in theravda buddhism who is enlightened, exist to help others become enlightened, NOT A BUDDHA they believe there is only one buddha in an age
pure land/ nirvana- the believe that when someone becomes enlightened there is a place for them outside of earth where all enlightened beings go, mayhana buddhists make a promise when they become enlightened not to go until all sentient beings are enlightened. believed that enlightened people can put their mind their whilst meditating
karma- the teaching of cause and effect, what you do in this live will effect what you are reborn as, buddhists try and build up postive karma
puja- gaining merit for postive karma through worship
magga( the eight fold path)- eight ways that buddhists can try and achieve enlightenment, the cure to dukkha
right understanding, right livelyhood, right speech, right concenration, right effort, right action, right intention
four noble truths- there is suffering, it is caused by craving, there is a cure, the cure is the eight fold path
3 jewels- a support network for buddhists that can support them whilst trying to achieve enlightenment, the buddha, the sanga, the dhamma