Defined by William T. Astbury in 1945 as the study of the physical and chemical structure of biological macromolecules
Present-day definition: the study of genes and their products, and how these products function and interact in the organization and perpetuation of living things
Efficiency: Evolution led to competition and survival as determinants of efficiency, minimizing energy and material waste
Development and Evaluation of Models: Models are tentative explanations of how a system works, tested for validity and revised based on new experimental evidence
Strong Inferences: All possible explanations for a phenomenon are stated, experimentally eliminated one by one until only one remains - strong inference
Frederick Griffith (1928) conducted a transformation experiment on Diplococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus)
In vitro Transformation by M.H. Dawson and J.L. Alloway showed that a transforming agent is responsible for changing avirulent R types to virulent S types
Ostwald T. Avery, Colin M. MacLeod, and Maclin McCarty (1944) identified DNA as the transforming substance through various isolation steps and qualitative chemical tests