
Cards (21)

  • who was ozymandias about and what did 'ozymandias' mean?
    it was the greek name for Ramesses II (pharoah of Egypt)
    it is an allegory to the futility of power
  • what does the poem show?
    how power of nature overrules power of humans and arrogance/pride
  • what kind of poem is ozymadias?
  • what form is the poem?
    iamic pentameter
  • what is the perspective?
    first person, omniscient speaker
  • who does ozymandias critisise?
    King George III
  • "a shatter'd visage"

    ironic - the king wanted his powerful image to be remembered, but the statue has decayed over time showing power of nature
  • "wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command"

    continuous mocking, looking down on everyone, highlighting his sense of superiority, arrogance, cruelty and maliciousness
  • what does enjambment show?
    how nature and time is ongoing
  • the word "and" is repeated 15 times. why?

    show how nature and time is ongoing, keeps adding new things
  • what method is this - "two vast and trunkless legs of stone" and what does it show

    quiet to reflect nature
    snake-like sound, evil
  • "sneer of cold command"

  • "the hand that mocked them and the heart that fed"

    ambiguous, literal meaning or metaphorical meaning
  • "pedestal"
    shows power over others
    superior to others
  • "my name is ozymandias, king of kings"

    god-like, arrogant, mocking, pride (hubris)
  • "look on my words"
    look = imperative, shows his power
  • "nothing beside remains."

    caesura, shows end of his memory, how it hasn't and won't last forever
    shows power of nature and time
  • "round the decay/ Of that colossol wreck"

    semantic field of destruction
  • "boundless and bare"

    plosive alliteration mimics king, anger of others
  • "the lone and level sands stretch far away"

    lone + colossal = assonance with the 'o'
    sibilance can mimic sound of wind
  • how many narrators are there and what do they show?
    1st person omniscient narrator
    words of ozymandias
    author of inscription