sustainable = causing little or no damage to an environment
recyclable = using what would normally have been wasted
fracking = high pressure fluid extraction, gas or oil from deep rock
climate - countries will have more energy because hotandwindy places make it easier for countries to produce more renewableenergy
physical factor - countries will have moreenergy because the geology of an area will determine the location and availability of fossil fuels
examples: natural gas + oil trapped in rocks, geothermal energy is produced in places of tectonic areas like Iceland
political factor - countries will have less energy because corruption in governments can impact the distribution of energy sources
examples: middle east has a lot of oil consuming countries which are looking for alternative sources
access to technology - countries will have more energy because allowing the exploitation of energy sources in remote areas contributes to the overall energy availability to be increased. although, less developed countries in technology without advancedenergy wont be able to accesssomeenergy
cost of extraction - countries will have less energy because some energy sources are costly to extract. LICS wont be able to maintain or install power stations so they wont be able to extract energy.
examples: oil rigs, pipelines, nuclear power stations are expensive to build
how energy is made - (nuclearenergy) through the burning of radioactivematerial to spin a turbine to produceenergy
advantages of nuclear energy:
nuclear produces little to no emissions
cheap way of extracting
can use nuclear power to extract energy anywhere
disadvantages of nuclear energy:
nuclear us not sustainable as radioactive material will run out
radioactive can be dangerous if not serviced
need to deposit remains
fracking = high pressure fluid extraction, gas or oil from deep rock
cheap and slightly cleaner
gas is a cheaper source of energy
less relying on foreign countries for energy the UK relies on russia or norway for gas
72 trillion gallons of water used in fracking in the US
ecosystemsharmed from poisonouschemicals
harmfultoxins such as methane released into the air
UK energy mix - (to describe) a chart that holds the amount of different types of energy that the UK uses. specific sources fit into the category of non renewable and the others, are renewable energy sources. as they all have their own pros and cons, they all have different impacts. the total amount used for non renewable sources in the UK is 79%, whilst renewable is at 19.3%.
highest renewable source = wind, because the UK is an island and waterturbines are stored in the ocean
highest nonrenewable = coal and gas, because they're cheap
Renewable energy is an infinite source, examples include wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric.
Renewable energy is generated from sources that are naturally replenished and have a minimal impact on the environment.
The advantages of renewable energy include sustainability for the environment and future, combatingclimate change, improvingair quality, providing a long term and reliable energy supply, and utilizingnaturalsources.
Disadvantages of renewable energy include sources such as solar and wind being dependent on weatherconditions,significantlanduse which can impactecosystems,challenges with energystorage, and potentially not being available in specificareas.
non renewable = finite energy source
fossil fuels
nuclear energy
advantages of non renewable:
constant and reliable power
highenergydensity (provides lot of energy)
more affordable than renewable, cheap
disadvantages of non renewable:
burningfossilfuels lead to major contributions to climatechange and globalwarming
sources are finite, lead to source depletion
can cause healthrisks to humans
to decrease prices for energy in homes, alternatives can be: