
Cards (6)

  • althuser
    family is an ideological state apparatus
  • zaretsky
    warm bath theory- family benefits bourgeoisie as emotionally supports workers with the harsh reality of working
  • Engels
    modern nuclear family developed with communism
    primitive communism- hunter gatherer society,incest,stone age
  • critiques of marxist perspective
    -ignore family diversity
    -assume nuclear family is dominant
    -not everyone pressured into latest technology
  • how does the family benefit capitalism
    -reproducing labour power-next gen of proletariat workers
    -consume products of capitalism
    -pester power
    -media creates false needs
  • critiques of marxism
    -ignore family diversity
    -ignores real benefits family provides
    -family benefits patriachy not capitalism
    -not everyone pressurised into false needs-hippies/quakers