what trait pertains to plans with the people, organizes, conducts, directs health education activities according to the needs of the client either in hospital or in community?
what trait pertains to being knowledgeable about everything relevant to his practice; has the necessary skills expected of him?
What trait pertains to being able to listen to what’s being said and what’s behind the words ?
Good listener
You are always available for the participant to voice out their sentiments and needs. What trait do you possess?
Good Listener
I keep an eye on the proceedings, process and participants’ behavior. What trait do I possess?
Keen Observer
knows how to put in sequence or logical order the parts of the session or activities?
uses available resources?
decides on what has been analyzed?
Critical thinker
what kind of quality brings about issues in smooth subtle manner? Tactful
able to impart relevant, updated and sucient input?
does not embarrass but gives constructive criticisms?
invites ideas, suggestions, criticisms?
accepts need for joint planning and decision relative to health care in a particular situation; not resistant to change?
knows how to place a touch of humor to keep audience alive?
Sense of humor
which trait involves participants actively in assuming the responsibility for his own learning?
Change agent
brings into consonance of harmony the community’s health care activities?
unbiased and fair in decision making?
able to cope with dierent situations?
what function of a health worker carries out health services contribution to the promotion of health, prevention of illness, early treatment of illness and rehabilitation?
Community health service provider
what function of a health worker helps plan a comprehensive health program with the people?
what function of a health worker has a continuing guidance and supervisory assistance?
Provides health counseling including emotional support to individuals, family, group and community?
health counselor
Provides the community with encouragement necessary for a wider or more complex study of problems?
In operating within the team, one must be willing to listen as well as to contribute, to teach as well as to learn, to lead as well as to follow, to share authority as well as to work under it?
Member of the team
Health education is an accepted activity at all levels of public work?
Health educator
the one who improves the health of the people by employing various methods and scientific procedures to stimulate?
Health educator
Provision of knowledge ?
Change in knowledge, attitude and skills?
Exchange of information?
Love of God, Caring, Love of People, and Love of Country are the core values
what is the core of nursing?
awareness of one's relationship to others, sharing their joys, sorrows, pain & accomplishments. Participation in the experience of another?
having the knowledge, judgement, skills, energy, experience & motivation to respond adequately to others within the demands of professional responsibilities?
the quality that fosters trusting relationship. Comfort with self, client & family?
morals, ethics & an informed sense of right & wrong. Awareness of personal responsibility?
convergence between one's desires & obligations & the deliberate choice to act in accordance with them, commitment to a culture of excellence, discipline, integrity & professionalism?
resolving conflicts, making decisions, solving problems, and negotiating more effectively?
respect for the dignity of each person regardless of creed, color, gender and political aliation?
Love of people
Civic duty, social responsibility and good governance?
Patriotism and preservation and enrichment of environment and cultural heritage?