Text is generally considered as written material especially longer pieces of writing as in a book, a letter or a newspaper.
In academicterms, a text is anything that expresses a set of meanings to the personwhoexaminesit.
If we can look at something, explore it, find layers of meaning in it, and draw information and conclusion from it, we're looking at a text.
According to Jorgensen and Phillips the following is a qualities of a text: Cohesion, Coherence, Intentionally, Acceptability, Informativity, Situationally and, Intertextuality.
Cohesion - The parts are connected.
Coherence - The overalltext has meaning.
Intentionally - The writersattitude and purpose can be discerned.
Acceptability - The text is recognized.
Informativity - There is aquantity of new or expectedinformation.
Situationally - The text's topic is situationally and culturally appropriate.
Intertextuality - The text can be linked to preceding discourse.
Brainstorming is a technique by which a group attempts to find a solution(s) to a specific problem by amassingideas spontaneously (Osborn, 1953).
Brainstorming is a highly effective technique for maximizinggroupcreativepotential, not only to generateideas but also to determinewhichideas are most likely to succeed in a specific areas of interest (Baumgartner, 2007).
Listing is a brainstormingtechnique many people might find it useful; it means listingpossibletopics and then sublists of things you could say about each topic.
Brainstormingtechniques that will help you write creative content: Word storm, Word Association, MindMapping and, Word Banks.