Arranged marriage common and many wives had to share their husband with a concubine
Subjected to the 3 obedience's: subservient to their father, husband and son
Not provided with educational opportunities - 1930s - only 1% of females over 7 had basic literacy skills
New Marriage Law
Mao attacked the 'rottenness of the marriage system' damning arranged marriage as 'indirect rape'
Concubinage and arranged marriages were banned
Husband and wife has equal status in the home
Wife could inherit her husbands property
Divorce was made easier - led to an increased divorce rate and husbands lost the perceived financialinvestment of a wife
Collectivisation/Communes - Women
Women forced to work on land whilst also performing domestic chores
Mothers left children at communal kindergartens - the conditions were dirty and staff were poorly trained (disease and death commonplace)
During famine, communes provided little food for women - women traded sex for food
Sexual abuse commonplace
Expectant mothers endured harsh, physical labour which often led to miscarriages
In Guangzhou 2 Party secretaries forced themselves on 34 women
Foot binding
Many women physically crippled
Feet bound by age of 6 with their toes turned under feet and held tightly by bandages
Designed to stunt their growth as small feet was viewed as sexually appealing
The Women's Association
Dedicated to encouraging political activism amongst women
Official membership of 76 million
Campaigned against prostitution and domestic violence
Encouraged women to denounce and confront men who had beaten their wives
Changes to education - Women
1929-49 - only 38% completed primary education
1959 onwards the rate was 100%
1978- 45% primary school children were girls
Changes to military - Women
Communist regime created new military academies to train a modern family - PLA provided an opportunity for women
They could escape rural poverty and be promoted to officer rank
Changes to the status of women
Many took to escaping unhappy marriages through divorce
Greater self-confidence - willingness to declare their grievances at the 'speak bitterness' meetings organised to denounce the regimes enemies
Women became politicised during the CR - wearing of Maoist uniform created a sense of equality. Women were able to travel across China and be given important leadership roles in the Red Guards
Ballets like the 'Red Detachment of Women' glorified women as heroes fighting in the Chines Civil War
Education in rural China 1949
Only 2.2% received any schooling
Males attended avg of 4 years of schooling
80% of population were illiterate
Educated children mainly received an education based on Confucian concepts
Elitist system
Improvement of literacy levels
National primaryschool system introduced
Primary school children increased to 64 million in 1957 (was only 26 million in 1949)
Winterschools - short courses for adult peasants
The Party claimed that 42 million attended 1951/52
The Chineselanguage was difficult using ideograms and pictures to represent words
New form of written language to simplify the highly complex characters
Became the official language of China
Educational reform - Failures
Remained elitist
Key schools established - students had to pass an entrance exam despite the promises of greater equal opportunity for all
Under funded
1952 - only 6.4% of budget spent of culture and education
Winter schools ineffective - many peasants forgot what they'd learnt from one winter to the next. In the GLF many couldn't attend as working on backyardfurnaces
Collapse of education 1966
During CR schools and universities closed (up to 130 million received no education)
Many joined RGs attending rallies and struggle meetings to denounce 'demons and monsters'
Teachers were often victims of revolutionary violence (many killed and books were destroyed)
After the RGS were disbanded many did not return to school
Healthcare in rural China
Many peasants had never seen a trained doctor and preferred to rely on ancient herbal cures to heal illnesses
Many peasants living on the verge of starvation, their immune systems were unable to fight the epidemic diseases
Barefoot doctors
Paramedics sent to rural areas to provide basic care to peasants
They were trained intensely for 6 months (cheap to train)
They had little equipment and low supplies of medicine
1973 - over 1 million doctors trained
Healthcare reform - Successes
CCP launched Patriotic Health Movements - sent Party cadres into the countryside to educate peasants how to prevent illness
Posters taught illiterate peasants how to catch rats and mosquitoes or dig wells to collect drinking water
Life expectancy rose and infant mortality fell
Anti drug campaigns reduce the sale and use of opium
Healthcare reform - Failures ~
Uneven health provision between rural and urban China (Western hospitals centered in cities)
During GLF - communes established medical clinics but the famine neglected health benefits
Doctors attacked in the Antis campaigns of the 1950s and sent to the Laogai
Doctors denounced during the CR
Attacks on traditional culture
Reunification campaigns had a devastating effect on culture in Tibet and Xinjiang
Confucianism and ancestor worship condemned as backwards superstitions
Agit prop groups toured China trying to convince people to abandon old traditions and follow Communism
'Four Olds' campaign
Launched August 1966
Destroy old ideas, customs, habits and culture
Religious artifacts and temples destroyed and philosophical books burnt
Religious shrines replaced with pictures of Mao
Street names that derived from folk traditions renamed ('Fortune and Longevity Road')
Jiang Qing
Ambition was to destroy traditional Chinese culture and replace with revolutionary Communism
Imposed censorship of music, theater and art. Banning of performances that encouraged old fashioned 'feudal' ideas such as romance and wealth
Her previous career as an actress meant she believed that she was qualified to rewrite performances
Role as 'Cultural Tsar' gave her huger power and influence during the CR
1969 - joined the Politburo
Used the CR to intimidate or purge enemies who knew of her past
Why was Jiang Qing hated?
Her violent fervour when attacking enemies
She claimed she was Chairman Mao's dog - 'Whoever Mao asked me to bite, I bit'
Attacking rivals from acting past and associates who knew about her bourgeois past
Attack on the arts
performances of foreign works banned
Directors and writers fired or blacklisted . Some were attacked by RGs and others committed suicide
New plays and opera glorified Communism
Slogan was 'Make it revolutionary or ban it'
Only 8 new plays or operas were allowed to be watched
'RedDetachment of a woman' - ballet turned into movies (peasant escaping an evil landlord)
Propaganda teams travelled to villages with projectors
Complaint to restrictions of the arts
A biographer of Jiang Qing wrote 'turned the minds of the audience to 'mashed potatoes'''
'800 million people watching 8 shows'
Deng Xiaoping complained 'People want to go to the theater to relax'
Attacks on Buddhism
PLA launching of reunification campaigns of the 1950s. Buddhists monasteries were attacked and monks were sent to the laogai ('reform through labour) to be 'rerformed'
Tibet boarders India which is an ally of the West
Temples were taken over and converted
Attacks on Confucianism
Confucius promoted family and kinship values as well as respect for others and ancestor worship
He was condemned by the CCP in 1949
Annual ceremonies which commemorated Confucius were banned
During CR RGs destroyed many memorials. He was made a symbol of backwards ideas
1973 - campaign launched comparing Confucius to Lin Biao
New Year Festival
Tradition of giving children red envelopes of money - was viewed as bourgeois
Qing Ming festival replaced by new Communist festival - National Memorial DAY
People urged to honour the fallen Communist heroes who dies in the Civil War
Attack on Christianity
Protestant and Catholic Churches targeted as they were believed to be representative of Western imperialist ideas
Communists created 'Patriotic Church Movements' to organise religion for the benefit of the Chinese people (actually to impose control over the Churches, they hung portraits of Mao in Church)
Schools and hospitals run by Churches were taken over by the government
ScaredHeartHome for children compared to Nazi camp + said they sold kids for slavery
Communists claimed Catholic hospitals were using patients as 'humanguineapigs' to test out new medicines