social learning theory suggests that learning is done by observing and copying others who are seen as our role models
positive reinforcement is when rewards and praise are given to increase the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated
negative reinforcement is when you withhold a reward to encourage the behaviour
punishment is the retribution of something performed wrong, break the SR bond of the bad habit
Thorndike's law of exercise suggests that the more you practice, the more likely you are to have a better technique for competitions
Thorndike's law of effect suggests that by using trial and error you will lean the correct skill as success would be satisfying and failure means try again
Thorndike's law of readiness suggests that learning can only occur when the performer's muscular and nervous system are sufficiently mature - physiologically ready
Fits and Posner's cognitive stage is the early learning phase where the learner understands the skill, looks at the technique and memorises what is required
the guidance used in the cognitive stage of learning is mainly visual with some manual and mechanical
the feedback used in the cognitive stage of learning is extrinsic with positive reinforcement of success
Fits and Posner's associate stage is the intermediate phase where the learner understands the skill and movement patterns are fluent and established
the guidance used in the associate stage of learning is visual and verbal with some manual to show specific positions or movements
the feedback used in the associate stage of learning is extrinsic and intrinsic as the performer can feel the success of the end result
Fits and Posner's autonomous stage is the final phase where movements are automatic without conscious effort meaning the performer can pay attention to the environment
Pavlov's idea of classical conditioning is the process of learning to associate a stimulus with a response
skinner's idea of operant conditioning is that behaviour is learned through the reinforcement and punishment of behaviour