week 2

Cards (61)

  • SPSS is software for managing data and calculating a wide variety of statistics.
  • The SPSS software can accomplish data analysis through dialogs and menus that can give you visual options with each step of your analysis.
  • To run SPSS, log in and click Start - Programs - IBM SPSS Statistics.
  • To hide a whole section of the outline, click on the minus sign to the left of the group in the outline pane.
  • To rearrange objects, select the object (or group) in either pane, and drag them until the red arrow points to the object below which you want them to appear.
  • A dialog will appear, asking you to open a file.
  • To start a session, a data file should be opened.
  • SPSS Statistics has three main windows (Data Editor, Output Viewer, Syntax Editor), plus a menu bar at the top.
  • These windows allow you to see your data, results, and any files you have written.
  • Each window corresponds to a separate type of SPSS file.
  • The Data Editor window displays the data and lets you see and manipulate your data.
  • When you open an SPSS data file, what you see is a working copy of your data.
  • Saving data editor file: click File - Save or Save As with a file type of sav.
  • Opening data editor file: click File - Open - Data.
  • Many data sets can be opened simultaneously.
  • The Output Viewer data set, with a plus sign on the title bar, is a working copy of the results of your analysis.
  • Closing data editor file: When you close your last Data Editor you are shutting down SPSS and you will be prompted to save all unsaved files.
  • The Output Viewer window displays the results of your analysis, including tables of results, graphs, programming language for the commands that you issued, and error messages.
  • The Output Viewer allows you to edit and print your results.
  • Saving output viewer file: click File - Save or Save As with a file type of spv.
  • Opening output viewer file: more than one Output Viewer can be opened.
  • The Syntax Editor window is used for programming in SPSS.
  • The Data View allows you to see and edit the information that defines each variable in your data set.
  • The variable values in the Data View allow you to create a list of value labels (set by simply typing them in through a dialog box).
  • Formats can also take the form of gender (1 - Male, 2 - Female).
  • The Output Viewer has two main sections: Data and Output.
  • The variable missing values in the Data View allow you to designate certain data values that you want SPSS to ignore when it calculates statistics.
  • To hide objects in the Output Viewer, double-click on the icon for each object in the outline pane.
  • When SPSS creates output (tables, syntax, error messages, etc.), each object is noted in the outline pane.
  • To delete objects in the Output Viewer, select them in either pane and use the Delete key.
  • The Output Viewer collects statistical tables and graphs and allows editing before saving or printing.
  • Attributes of each variable in the Data View include: Name, Type, Width, Decimals, Label, Values, Missing, Columns, Align, Measure, Role.
  • Individual objects in the Output Viewer may be opened and edited, deleted, rearranged, hidden or printed.
  • Each column of the Data View is described by a row of the Variable View.
  • The variable label in the Data View allows you to give each variable a longer description that is displayed in place of the variable name; analogous to value labels for data values.
  • To edit objects in the Output Viewer, double-click on them in the tables pane (e.g. title, table or a graph).
  • The variable type in the Data View can be numeric or string (as well as scientific notation, comma formatting, etc.).
  • Data values can be edited or added by typing them directly into the Data View.
  • Data values may be displayed as either numeric value (15000) or as dollar value ($15,000).
  • Other attributes of each variable in the Data View include: Width, Decimals, Columns, Align, Measure, Role.