Computer science component 2

Cards (30)

  • What does decomposition mean?

    breaking down a complex problem into smaller problems and solving the problems individually
  • What does abstraction mean?
    picking out the important parts and ignoring the Irrelevant parts
  • What does Algorithm thinking mean?
    Reusing the steps for another problem and using it in another problem
  • What is pseudo code?
    Pseudocode is similar to normal programming but you don’t have to worry about the finer detail. like a rough sketch
  • state all the flow charts.
  • Explain a binary search.
    it is an type of search where you find the middle part of the search by dividing the search by 2 and then you go either up or down (depending on what your looking for). Then you compare the item with item your looking for until you found it.
  • Explain what a linear search is.

    this much simpler than binary search but not as efficient as look at the first item and compare it to the item your looking for and repeat until you found the item your looking for.
  • explain a bubble sort.
    the list will be unsorted. You look at the first two items and compare the two to see which one is bigger and then you would switch the bigger one or if the second one is the bigger one then leave it and compare it to the other items until you get to the end of the list. and repeat until you complete the first pass.
  • What are the pros and co s if a bubble sort?
  • Explain a merge sort.
    you First start by splitting the sort into two and the split the two sorts into two more separate sorts and then you would swap the individual numbers into which one comes first and then you would combine two you split back together to make to splits and the. Combine the two splits left into one
  • List the pros and cons of using a merge sort
  • List the data types and there characteristics
  • What is casting?

    when you manually convert between data types
  • list the functions and the operator
  • list the comparison operator and what it means
  • What is a constant?

    A value that isnt altered by the program during a normal execution.e.g. The number of pi
  • What is a variable?
    A variable is when the value can change.e.g. the score in a football game
  • What is a string?
    a data type used in programming, that is used to represent text rather than numbers.e.g. name = input(“please enter your name”)
  • What is string manlipulation?

    to provide Infomation or to alter the contents of the string
  • List the functions of a manlipulation strings
  • What is a program flow?
    The order in which a programs instructions are executed
  • What is a IF statement?
    a condition to check if the statement is true or false
  • What is a SWITCH statemen?

    A control statement used to select one of many code blocks to be executed.
  • What is a FOR loop?

    A for loop is a code that will repeat a fixed number of times. the number of times that the code repeats will depend on the initial value and end value and the step count.
  • what is a DO UNTIL loop?
    .It is a controlled by a condition at the end of the loop.
    .Keep going until the condition is true
    .always run the code inside them at least once
    .you get an infinite if the condition is never true
  • What is a WHILE loop?
    .controlled by a condition at the start of the loop
    .keep going while the condition is true
    .never run the code inside them if the condition is inaitially false
    .you get an infinite loop if the condition is always true
  • what is a boolean logic?
    A result that can only have one or two outcomes which is a true or false.
  • What is a Not gate?
  • What is a And gate?
  • What is a OR gate?
