APES CH. 11 & 12

Cards (77)

  • Surface Mining: Removes shallow deposits
  • Subsurface Mining: underground
  • Types of surface mining
    • strip mining
    • open-pit mining
    • mountaintop removal
    • dredging
    • highwall mining
  • Types of subsurface mining 
    • Shaft mine
    • drift mine
    • slope mine
    • Spoil Banks : bank of excavated refuse or waste Earth
    • Acid mine drainage causes water pollution
    • Smelting using heat or chemical causes both air and water pollution
    • Subsurface mining is harmful to humans …. They breathe methane
  • Soil Horizons
    • O Horizon (Leaf Litter)
    • A Horizon (Top Soil)
    • B Horizon (Subsoil)
    • C Horizon (Weathered Parent Material)
    • Bedrock
  • O Horizon (Leaf Litter)
    • A Horizon (Top Soil)
    • B Horizon (Subsoil)
    • C Horizon (Weathered Parent Material)
  • Physical weathering: rock to rock crushing, water expansion and contraction, frost wedging
  • Chemical weathering - chemical reaction with minerals, acid rain 
  • Biological weathering - animal digging/burrowing, roots breaking
    • Porositypores
    • Permeability - water can go thru
  • clay is NOT permeable
  • Igneous rock:  - weathering = sedimentary rock - heat & pressure = metamorphic 
  • Metamorphic rock: melting - magma = Igneous rock - weathering = sedimentary rock
  • Sedimentary rock: heat and pressure = metamorphic rock - melting - magma = Igneous rock
    • 4 Rs = Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse
  • Depletion Time: Time to use a certain portion (usually 80%) of reserves at a given rate of use
    • Rare Earth Metals - they are very rare metals that are used in technologies & not spread evenly around the world
  • Convergent boundary- collide = oceanic plate goes under = mountain
  • Divergent boundary - pull apart = new crust from rising magma
  • Transform boundary - slide = faults = earthquakes
  • When the denser plate subducts into the mantle it melts and recreates tectonic plates while destroying the current one.
  • Richter Scale: (Intensity 6 is 100 times stronger than intensity 4 because Richter Scale strength is basically 10 Intensity) 10 fold
  • Earthquake
    • Breakage and shifting of rocks
    • Occurs at the fault
    • Seismic Waves: Crust vibrations
    • Focus: Origin of earthquake
    • Aftershock: small earthquake after the big one
    • Magnitude: Severity of the Earthquake
    • Amplitude: Size of the seismic waves
    • Aftershock: small earthquake after the big one
    • Seismic Waves: Crust vibrations
    • Focus: Origin of earthquake
    • Magnitude: Severity of the Earthquake
    • Amplitude: Size of the seismic waves
    • Richter Scale
    • Insignificant <4.0
    • Minor: 4.0 - 4.9
    • Damaging: 5.0 - 5.9
    • Destructive: 6.0 - 6.9
    • Major: 7.0 - 7.9
    • Great >8.0
  • Undernutrition - Not enough food to meet basic energy needs 
  • Malnutrition -Not enough protein or key nutrients
  • Overnutrition - Excess body fat from too many calories and lack exercise